Monday, July 14, 2008

Monday - Day 4

This is a midday update versus the later evening ones we've been posting. Figure this will help out with not having extraordinarily long ones.

The evening was an interesting one - not bad, but there was action. Mom's pick line came out in the night. While that's not completely unexpected (it was in her left arm), it's something you'd rather not have occur. It resulted in some blood on Mom and the bed a bit. Then they went to put it in the other arm and are having some difficulties with it - still trying to confirm it's 100% in correctly. Now we haven't asked yet, but there are plenty of possibilities (including a line into her chest) and nothing to be truly alarmed at yet.

On a more positive note, we now have more explanations for some of the hacking, sinus-like symptoms, and slight fever yesterday. As the white blood cells are killed, they float throughout the body. In many cases this results in the lungs acting as a filter which of course results in them churning through / landing in the lungs. So that's good. We'd much rather have explanations for all this versus the great unknown.

WBC update: 6K this morning
RBC update: 8K this morning

We also learned that there's a possibility for a combination of 4 siblings to form the matching marrow for her. That was good since we are unsure of a 100% match. It essentially means we're looking at a requirement of 25% per sib, and given that Ganguly thought there were only 3 sibs - good to know. We want more options! More to come as the transplant coordinator will be in touch shortly.

Last night Mark (son) stayed with her. Walt brought her some Starbucks and a paper this morning, and is off to buy some real lunch for her in the form of Mr. Goodcents. Sharlyne Narr was here this morning to visit as well. Annie and I are hanging out now, and brought some additional nickers up.


The Mahoney's said...

Thank you for keeping us informed. I had no idea Cathi was so sick. She cherishes her family and friends and I'm glad to see her boys are with her. I will pray for her recovery.
I visit another friend going through chemo at KU Med and will stop by and see if I can cheer her up. Take care of your mom.

Reynolds' said...

Cathi, Conor, Mark and Annie (and every other family member) -

3rd time is a charm I hope... I have been at the computer trying to send a return post...

I think I have it set up now... You know me and the computer. I can turn it on, but setting up something new does not come easily or on the first attempt.

I am thankful to be on the blog now (fingers crossed). It is a great way to communicate with the masses on health updates. Trey and I knew something was up from brief conversations with Walt, but did not anticipate this news.

As the blog states, you have countless people that care about you and love you and are praying for you. I will have our prayer resources praying as well.

I have found that with some challenges in life, I can only manage them a a moment at a time. Please know what with each moment you will be in my constant prayers.

All our love,

Trey, Jennifer, Rachele, Mallory and Lindsay

Lori said...

Cathi, Conor, Mark and Annie:
Diane Reink in Houston emailed us with the news. We will be praying daily. The good news is another friend of mine had this 14 years ago and lives healthily to tell about it. You go Cathi! You can beat it.
Lori, Dave, Adam and Andrew Baerg

Jane Olson said...

Sally and Norman have told me of all that is going on is your life...I was so hoping for better news. I am confident that the good news is coming but until then know that you all are in my thoughts.

Harold Frye said...

We learned about Cathi's illness through scouting connections. You all will be in our prayers. Know that the power of prayer is strong. Mark and our son, Jeremy, were good friends in school for many years.

Sara said...


We are so pleased that Conor started this blog. We know you have a rock solid family with you right now, but you mean so MUCH to so many people in this community, that we want to send you a huge hug and all our best wishes and prayers. we KNOW you are in good hands!! I was talking to your book club friends at church on Sunday. Everyone is shocked at how quickly this transpired. We are so thankful you are in treatment, and we know things will be rough. Just remember we are holding you and your family in our hearts.

Sara, Tom, Paul Pistorius

Unknown said...

Just got back from supper with Trisha and she asked me to send you her love and best wishes. Do you remember we watched the Vintage Car Rally with Trisha & Jane at Penny's house?

Sleep tight dear, you're in my thoughts and prayers
Janet x

Lori Offutt said...

Hey Cathi, Mason here, I have a hat for you when you lose your hair, you can always get a wig but the hat is better. Love you Mason

Been thinking about you. Sorry your sick but wondering what shape your head will be in. Love you Kayla.

Garrett says hi and get well soon.

Unknown said...

Hi Cathi!

We are close friends of Rhonda's out here in California. We're sorry for all your'e going through. It sounds from the blog like you all have amazing attitudes and positive, happy spirits. I know that will serve you well during this time. What a blessing to be surrounded by such a loving family. We are praying for your recovery and wish you all the best.

Stacey, Chris and the Boys

Teri and Kurt said...

Cathi, we are so sorry to hear of your illness. I have always thought of you as invincible, able to overcome any challenge that comes your way. You are blessed with a great family that will be there for you. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
Teri and Kurt

Unknown said...

Maynards and Snells: Conor, good job. I know how hard it is to keep people up to date in these situations.

Cathi,we are all thinking about you and I'm doing my own research. (I only play a doctor on TV, but...)

Roger & Carol said...

Cathi: We got the baler back together this afternoon while Brian was swathing more hay. Guess I'll be back in the fields tomorrow.
Sleep when you can.

Chelle70 said...

HI! Michelle here. I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you ALL and Cathi you are in my prayers. You are an amazing woman! Not only because you put up with Marshall(hehe) but because of what you have done for him! He has never had a boss like you. You will never know how much that means to ME! THANK YOU!!
I only really know what Marshall tells me...but everything I hear I like! (did i scare ya? lol) Not only are you an amazing boss...You are an amazing person! The world cannot afford to lose you!! So I know youre gonna FIGHT this. Cause we need you! =)

Rhonda, DJ, Winston and David said...

Forgot the nurses chocolates. Another package to come quick. I finally got to the dr today
...bronchitis. I still talk...what will slow me down? Looking for the next blog from the M's. Sent some "artwork" for your abode. It is personally signed by the artists on the back. We are constantly thinking of you. Prayers, Rhonda and the boys

Anonymous said...

Cathi and family,

I'm keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. No disease can thrive through all this love and our faith is strong.

I'm on the road this week but luckily my company hasn't blocked me out of everything so I can still post and read your blog. Love to all, Donna

Liz said...

Thank you for the updates.

We're all thinking of you & praying for you.

I heard a good joke today. I'm at a training seminar all week, and someone finally spiced things up.

About a TV commercial...
It started with a black screen, with some stars -- looked like outer space. And of course, some music that made you think a space-ship was coming in. A pregnancy test comes flying in from the left... and then a stream of pee.

The voice-over: "The highest technology piece of equipment you'll ever pee on."

Love you-
Liz, Andres, Adam, & Nicole

ChuckJanice said...

Cathi, hope that Monday night was calmer than Sunday night. Who ever thought that sleeping was more hazardous to your PICC line than Yoga?? I'll be up this evening (Tuesday) with the Scrabble game. Love and prayers. Janice