Saturday, July 19, 2008

Sat, 7.19 - Chemo's Done!

We had an 'ok' day today. Cell counts were as follows:

- WBC: 0.6
- Hemoglobin: 7

Dr. Ganguly visited a little later than normal today, but still had positive things to say. He's pretty happy with things Mom's hacking up. He thinks that we're making progress in getting things out. However he does think Mom may have contracted something during the Colorado zip line trip, which is what we're really working on. Knowing doesn't make it any easier, but it's very likely the case given that her immune system could keep it down prior to her white cells being so low.

While the chemo is done, he wants to see it trend down to 0.1 in the coming days. That's a great segue for the rest of the day.

It was a bit of an emotional roller coaster that ended on a high note by the time I left the hospital this evening. She's really frustrated with her ever-changing temperature, the continual hacking, potential arrival of chemo side effects, and general weakness. We all keep telling her to keep her chin up in spite of these things. I made the comment that 'it's not always going to be seashells and ballonos, espeically this week.' Mom's attitude of attacking one task at a time is pretty infectious and helps keep us grounded.

She rode the bike for 1.5 miles this afternoon. That was good. But when she went to do the sinus irrigation followed by her breathing toy, it got her sick. This was very frustrating. However shortly after the respiratory nurse came in and listened via stethoscope then reported positive results and engaged in dialogue that had Mom smiling. That reminds me. She used the term 'happy dance' multiple times today, which was very cute. She also alluded to the happy dance celebrating the conclusion of the chemo (hopefully for good although there's a chance she'll need it again).

Honestly what it comes down to is she really needs people to carry her during this time. Let's keep up the great work. With a posting from Africa yesterday, she now has almost all the continents represented. Anyone know someone in Antarctica or Asia?


Unknown said...

Good morning Cathi!

I'm back in pole position but then, it is Sunday!

We're having a St Georges Residents BBQ today, out on the old cricket field. The rabbits will have to give way for once! And Cyril, the guy that lives in the tiny barn on the estate (do you remember him or it?) has laid out a croquet lawn for this afternoon's festivities. Glad i got some practise in at Walt's party last year :)

You're doing really well Kiddo. I love to think of you on that bike!

love Janet xo

Robbie Stanley said...

Good Morning,
It's a hazy gray Sunday here in Vermont; I'll be sitting and knitting this morning during the final day of the British Open. Yesterday I went to the farmers market with my fabulous bag that you sent after Florida. It always gets lots of compliments and is perfect for whatever I want to use it for. I like just looking at it! Reminds me of you.
Don't forget to give yourself plenty of treats; it's very hard work, what you're doing, and you deserve them.

Mags said...

Way to go Janet! Nice to see you back at the top :)

Good morning Cathi! It was good to see you yesterday afternoon. You rocked that bike as usual! Still very impressive! I might note to all that she pointed out to Conor and I that she made sure the last 2 minutes of her 10 minute ride were at 10 mph!!! It's the little goals for each task that she sets for herself that are just flat out impressive to me!!

Cathi I'm headed to Ann Arbor, Michigan tonight for an all day training meeting tomorrow that I have to attend, but I'll be back Tuesday morning. Flying in and out of KC sporting the newest fashion on the plan...the mask!

Keep your chin up today and know I'm giving you lots of air hugs and blowing kisses!


Nancy Diebel said...

Dear Cathi! I was in Las Vegas last week for our cigar convention, and I leave today for Chicago to get Claire's college orientation done. But I'll be home on Wednesday and will be at your beck and call! I'm here for you and sending lots of prayers your way. You are one of the strongest and most caring people I know, and I have no doubt you'll get through this bump in the road. Hugs from all the Diebel's. See you Wednesday!

gail said...

Lazy day in Denver today. It is HOT here. Near record-breaking/setting temperatures hovering at the 100 mark. The swamp cooler has been running full-time for the last 3 days. I am so glad we do not have the added bonus of humidity here. :)

What do they think you caught while on your Breckenridge trip? Just a general virus type thing? The timing was too coincidental for comfort (for me at least) so I'm glad the MDs are looking at all the angles and making sure you are as healthy as you can be!

Do you need padded shorts for your Tour de Cathi?

I am looking forward to sporting the latest in fashion gear next week too! I'm also thinking of using the extra white space across my face to advertise for the bone marrow donor programs. Nothing to lose and everything to gain!

Our neighborhood block party is today also. I'm supposed to bring a side dish. Is there a section in the yellow pages for Take Out Side Dishes? I made your (Cathi's) incredible pasta dish on Thursday night. Not one bit of it left in the dish afterward. Everyone loved it as always!!

More yard work today as well. I'm supervising dog poop removal and lawn mowing. I will sure miss Ben when he leaves!

Good luck in today's race on the bike. Your speed and endurance are impressive!!

love, gail (& Ben)

Ryan Sullivan said...

Hey Cathi just checking in again to say hi...I ATTEMPTED to make a post early last week, but I am kind of new to this and cannot find it so I am not sure I did it right :)

I just wanted to let you know that I have been following your progress this week and am really excited to see how well you are doing, and how you are keeping your fight and your spirits high -- not like it surprises me one bit, I fully expect that from you! I have been trying to catch up with Conor this weekend but you all are understandably busy, so I just wanted to let you know again that I am thinking about you, and am here for anything you all need!

Talk with you soon, get yourself back home! Love and prayers -- Sully

Anonymous said...

Good Evening Cathi,

I wanted to share that I went to a high tea today and reminisced when I was in KC for Lori's wedding and we had tea at the Ritz together. Belive it or not, that was my first tea party! Now I am getting to be a regular pro. I even LIKE tea now, but it has to be flavored. Apple-cinnamon, red raspberry. Today I tried Creme-brule tea and Pommegranite tea. VERY good!

My mom is in the hospital right now as well. We are hoping she will come home within the next couple of days. I have been keeping her updated on your blog and everthing that is happening. She sends her very best.

In church today our pastor spoke about suffering, relaying it to the stages of grief, only he made his own stages for suffering. Denial, Anger, Betrayal, Depression, Acceptance, Freedom.

The fact that we all suffer is a given, and we all suffer varying degrees throughout our lives, but how we accept that suffering is the key. It will lead us to Freedom, and our attitude directly affects how the suffering impacts us.

As I write this I realize this for me is easier said than done. For you it seems second nature. You have a great attitude and that more than anything else is going to help you fight this and do the same thing Lance Armstrong did in France all those times - WIN. You go girl!

I love you!


Anonymous said...

Cathi and family.

Yesterday as I was leaving the local Walmart, which is the extent of my social life, I found a group from the Leukemia and Lymphoma society raising money for their team in training. Since I can't be up in KC to support you, I'll do what I can here so I made a donation to the cause. I also garnered a few extra prayers for you too!

I got to talking to the leader and she said to let you know you are in the best place possible for your treatmenr and that you should never stop fighting. I let her know that fighting is not a problem. You'll fight and we'll have your back.

We love you and we're keeping you in our thoughts and prayers every day.

Glad to hear about the bike rides and that the chemo is over. I have a cute graphic of a happy dancer, which I couldn't get to copy here but I'll send a separate email to your regular mail and maybe you can pull it out.

Love and hugs,

Sarah said...


Wow! You amaze me! Is it possible for someone come out of chemo is better shape than when they started?? I think that's unheard of... But then again, you are a very impressive lady. You are such an inspiration to me. I am starting to maybe plan a trip this September up to Kansas City and would love to see you then! Let me know what works for you.

love from Houston