Friday, August 8, 2008

Fri, 8.8 - Más Mejora

Happy 8.8.08 everybody. I decided since the theme was pretty much the same (More Improvement) that I'd switch up the language while keeping the intent. I'm beginning to wonder how people that don't have a specific topic do this blong thing daily! Onto the update...

Her WBCs are up to 1.9 today, and I can affirmatively say there's a huge difference from last Friday to today. She's more energetic. While I wouldn't put her in the hyperactive category just yet, there were several walks today and we're going outside tomorrow. The nurses and physical therapist said this would be good to have a change-up although it will most definitely not be a lengthy trek in distance or time.

She is still pretty restless while the steroids are ramped down off. The good thing is she recognizes it, and she gets excited when their conclusion is discussed. It just makes it tough for her to sleep and rest in general. They also won't give her ativan until it's completed. There's one other side effect - elevated blood sugar. She's had pretty high measurements that require insulin units to correct.

And thanks to steroids combined with no anxiety medication, we have the restlessness I alluded to last night. That restlessness seems to be the primary driver for some pretty good mood swings. There was noticeable frustration this evening a few times with just the 'what do I do?' thought. I'm sure it has something to do with being in the hospital for 28 days as well, but who's counting.

Ganguly's last day for this working period was today. He returns in 8 days, and said he doesn't expect Mom to be here then. So that would be a little earlier than the 1.5 weeks I outlined earlier - not by much, but earlier. The reason I point that out is she's now counting down 8 days. I told her to not worry about the # of days and just keep managing the task in front of her b/c she could get out even earlier or potentially later. In other words, achieve and pass the milestones as a result of your great health improvements. Don't worry if you don't hit one exactly b/c it's NOT a disappointment. Achieving it is a success regardless.

Now while Mom's memory of ICU is spotty at best, she's pretty damn sharp now. She (thankfully) just remembered this evening that she's a business owner. I'm hoping she doesn't start stressing about it now that she's remembered though! If you want proof she's clear though, here's a story from this evening.

A Lebanese doctor came in who had studied in 4 different countries. Well she's been watching the Opening Ceremonies for the Olympics tonight (remember - long, mindless TV is good). And the doctor asked her how they were. She responded, 'it's outre.' For anyone that doesn't do crosswords, that may be as foreign to you as it was to the doctor. He had no clue what it meant so she found great humor in the fact that she taught this educated, international doctor a new word. Too funny. In case you're wondering, it means 'to go beyond, in excess' in the French language. She said most people would recognize it from crosswords.

One other note regarding the Olympic ceremonies - Mom doesn't like the American hats. I told her Bob Costas said they were designed by Ralph Lauren and she said, 'well lemme have a second look.' She didn't say much until they refocused on our team again. Then quipped, 'there are the Americans in their dumbass hats again!' So I'm going out on a limb here when I say she didn't think they were better the 2nd time... :)

Ok, 2 funny stories. I think that's a good way to close. Good night all, and have a great weekend.


Rhonda, DJ, Winston and David said...

Hello Cathi! Slumber party at my house so there are definitely no jokes in my head tonight! We will be counting down the 8 days too! Great news! But,the boys and I will miss the homecoming party! Darn...but good for you!!
Glad to hear Conor is back in KC.
Enjoy your weekend and all the Olympics...we will be watching too.
Love from Rhonda, DJ, Win and David

Anonymous said...

Good day today - another gain in the WBC's and home on the horizon. Plus there may be a short field trip tomorrow! Great job. Keep focusing on each step.

Short joke - Do you know the difference between broccoli and boogers?

Cub Scouts won't eat broccoli!


Another good day coming tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

Dr Beth came back with positive test results on the DNA for Walt on Friday. Wahoo. I passed a test for once. That means I am officially cleared to be a donor. Tell the nurses and specially Jenny Jenny that I am coming back for an encore presention on my back side. Won't you take me to funky town...
Oh yea this is Cathi's blog. Having fun in NH and wondering about any bad jokes. And yes the hats looked like funny little british people. Not American. Where is Ralph Lauren from? France? Trying to make our team look British...

Cathi, miss you already get well soon, and get out of that hospital, but not until you are ready. Walt
Oh and I beat Janet today. Do a little dance...

Unknown said...

Hello Dear
yep Walt beat me to the post today, but I'm going to ignore his quip about the american hats looking like funny little british people - as the Brits just wopped the Americans in the Coxless Four heats. Way to go Team GB!

I can only imagine how much you're looking forward to stepping outside after 28 days in hospital. Take it easy and hold close to your heart how very, very proud we all are of you.
love #2 GOT xx
oh, and Walt - brilliant news about you passing the donor test

Anonymous said...

Hi Cathi,

Way to go with Cathi & Walt! While I am looking forward to our little escape to Chicago I must say I am so disappointed that I will not be able to read the blog daily. I am sending you 4 days worth of good vibes and clarity! I am hoping to see Conor on the flipside so he can update me.



Anonymous said...

hey, at least the dumbass hats were american-designed. the previous ones came from CANADA. Dumbass,foreign hats. I will bet, however, that one could find a humongo polo pony on each and every piece of uniform the American athletes wear. Guess that type of capitalism makes them truly ours.

Doctor: What did the stomach say to the kidneys?
Patient: What?
Doctor: Oh, never mind. It's an inside joke

Anonymous said...

Wow the great outdoors I am impressed when you decide to get better you do it very quickly. I know it doesn't seem quick to you but after all you have overcome it is amazing to us on the sidelines rooting you on. Rick Laura and Emma are on their way to London or may already be there, hard to keep track of the world travelers.

This one is a real groaner but you know me the goofier the better.

Q. What's pink and fluffy
A. Pink fluff

Q. What's blue and fluffy
A. Pink fluff holding it's breath

Way to go Walt if you are going to pass a test this was the most important one.
Oh by the way does anyone have a new room number/address to send to.

Love Ya
GOT #3

gail said...

Good morning Cathi!

Such exciting news to read this morning!!! You have come along so quickly that I'm sure you'll be outta there sooner than anyone can imagine (okay, I don't want to get your hopes up - but this momentum is fabulous!!)

I have been looking at the calendar and since I have this round-trip ticket to KC that I didn't get to use a few weekends ago, it is likely I will fly into KC on Friday the 12th, stay with Sara at her new project, er, town home now that the toilet works, walk with Mark, then boogie down to Winfield for the rest of the week. I'll bring along my MacBook and turn it into a webcam so you can experience every sober moment. Okay, so there will only be about 10 minutes of that on a daily basis, but it's the thought that counts, right?

Ben sends his love too. Sending lots of hugs & love from the Mile High City.


gail said...

ps - EXCELLENT NEWS ABOUT WALT'S TEST. You both get an A+ for that one! :)

Anonymous said...

I watched the opening ceremonies and while I love Ralph Lauren I must confess I did not love his hats either. Other than that I thought we looked pretty sharp. I am so glad you are out of ICU. We leave Sat. the 16th for Philmont to pick up Tad. He wants to climb Long's Peak on the way home so we will spend a few days in Co. He had a great time with his Troop 91 crew that included Drew Jones, his brother and father. Drew was on the trek the summer Greg went with Tsd and Nicholas and the boys thought he was hilarious. Nicholas had orientation for dental school Thurs. and Fri. and said it was good. Classes start on Mon. So all is well. You remain in our thoughts and we will be counting down the days with you. Love, Nan and the boys

Robbie Stanley said...

Hey there Cathi,
Yay for you and all the good news and yay for Walt passing his test!

I'm checking in late today because my laptop had an unfortunate mishap and is, to repeat the technical term used by the computer doc, toast. Very big bummer. So John is letting me use his so I won't miss a day of blogging.
The Americans' hats were goofy but the ceremonies were pretty spectacular and there are many hours ahead to watch.
Can't wait to hear how your day went today and I hope it includes an outing.
Love, Robbie

Rhonda, DJ, Winston and David said...

News we were waiting to hear, Walt!
Back in New Hampshire already? You move fast. US Mail 4 Cathi...
KUMED Center
Cathi Maynard, 4th floor
3901 Rainbow Blvd
Kansas City, Kansas 66160
The family got a great picture today via phone of Cathi and Dad taking a stroll on the promenade at the Jayhawk Inn this morning & they were looking good!!
Love and prayers, Rhonda

susank said...

Hey Cathi!
Great news! So glad to hear you're getting out soon, and you have a good bone marrow match. Keep up the good work! Your family and friends are awsome.
I had fun camping in CO - back in KC, now.

Anonymous said...

Hey Cathi, 1.9 WPC, eh, now you're talkin! I hope you got to enjoy a little sunshine today, nice change of scenery.

Two guys are hunting, waiting at the edge of a meadow. A man walks out of the woods on the other side, sees their guns and throws his hands up yelling "I'm not a deer, I'm not a deer"!

One of the hunters raises his gun and Bang, shoots the guy. The other hunter looks at him and asks "What'd ya do that for? He said he wasn't a deer." The hunter hesitates then says, "But.... I thought he said he Was a deer?!"

... Love ya! Nancy