Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sun, 8.10 - Pre-Biopsy Day

Today was another pretty uneventful day in a good way. Mom got a great night's sleep last night - a whole 8 hours! She did accidentally remove the mask again though. The past couple of nights with the other mask (difference is the former one had an annoying bag on the front of it - loud and awkward) weren't nearly as pleasant even when she managed some shut-eye.

Sarah (Nurse Practitioner) came in this morning and was again very pleased with how she was doing. She liked mom slept, had not gotten sick, and proceeded to write the blood counts on Mom's dry erase board. It was pretty funny. She wrote the platelets. Then she wrote the RBCs. The WBCs were obviously missing. We had a little drumroll...6.0! Mom's face lit up like a kid in a candy store. Sarah mentioned she's happy we had that much improvement with the Neupogen stopping when it did.

Tomorrow we'll find out if there's any reason to be concerned. Mom's prepared yet a little scared of the bone marrow biopsy that's likely to take place in the afternoon. Needless to say we're all hoping for positive confirmation the Leukemic cells were killed by the round of chemo. If not, we'll go back through chemo again. This time knowing more of what to expect, and having the Pneumonia Brothers expelled from her body!

She proclaimed today's goal was to walk to the bathroom and back. Apparently she didn't make it there, but did do some trucking around the hallways. That's honestly probably a greater hike than to the bathroom and back. So good stuff.

I just realized I have forgotten to talk about her funny arm exercises. She's got this band that's almost out of a tough balloon-like material. She sits in bed raising her arms above her head, directly in front of her, then at almost an 'X' angle in front of her - both directions. They told her to do it 10 times at all 4 positions and ideally she's working towards three iterations. Yesterday I think she got to 1 full round of 10 then another round of 5. It's kind of funny to see the exercise commercials on TV then have her bust out the exercises. Very similar...ha ha. She continued these today though.

They also cutback on another antibiotic, leaving one more for her. That tells me they're pretty close to being comfortable with where she is although I think they'll need to be comfortable with all of her counts too.

Lastly today she did some blog reading and sent 2 emails. I don't think she read emails, opting for the blog. But it did get a quote out of her similar to things she's said before about how she can't believe we're all going through this. She says that a lot, but not in a negative 'woe is me' way. It's more of an amazement than anything.

Tomorrow's the test so let's all rally around and think good thoughts in the Central time zone PM timeframe!


Linda said...

Captain Cathi -- now the latest craze in exercise! How cool. Cathi, I am so thrilled to hear things keep improving. Keep up the good work. I'll be thinking good thoughts all day Monday just for you. HERE'S TO MORE GOOD DAYS! Love and Hugs. Linda

PS Your boys are proving to be real troopers. You can be so proud of them.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the email this morning that made my day. :) Glad to hear things are going well and hope to see you soon.


Unknown said...

Hello Cathi
An aerobics band - how cool is that! And the WBC count is fantastic, really on the up now.

I'll be thinking of you today for your biopsy, and sending lots of positive vibes. You're doing a wonderful job!
love #2 GOT

gail said...

Sending loads of good karma for the biopsy today.

Cathi - your energy is simply amazing. No matter what you are on the path to wellness and nothing is going to stop you. I love that about you!

Will be thinking of you all day today (as we do each and every day).

Sending more love.


Robbie Stanley said...

Hey there Cathi,
Wow! So much going on, all good stuff! I'm picturing your bulging upper body muscles -- they'll hire you soon to do the infomercials for the aerobic band.
I'll have my thoughts on you all day today (as always!) and especially this afternoon.
Love, Robbie

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear those white blood cells are coming up and some of the medications are going away. Sounds like good progress. At least the Olympics are on now to watch so you can get into fencing or ping pong, if you have the right channels there. How about that swimming last night? Joke:

A blonde comes to a river and sees another blonde on the opposite bank. "Yoo-hoo!" she shouts. "How can I get to the other side?" The other blonde looks around then shouts back, "You are on the other side!"

Hope you are having a good day. Bruce.

Debbie K. said...

Hi Cathi - I can't wait to get to work on Mondays and read about your progress. I think you had a more eventful weekend than I did. I finished up my week of dog sitting, mowed my yard and painted my propane tank. I couldn't let such a cool day go by without being outside - just like you.

Your improvement is amazing. Keep up the good work.

I'm having a "girls' night out" tonight with the office crew. We're going to see Mama Mia. I'll let you know how it compares with the live show we saw last fall.

Thinking of you and sending good wishes your way.

Debbie K.

Anonymous said...

Boy I am really running late today one thing after another I want you to ace the bone marrow test, got my finger, toes and legs crossed for good luck,
Thinking good thoughts for you.

Love Ya