Monday, September 1, 2008

Looking Good

Happy Labor Day everyone,

I'm posting today with a photo I hope. Of me looking okay. Thin and hairless, but good nonetheless.

I saw the pulmonologist on Friday and he was positive but inconclusive. He showed me the CT scans from before I got sick and I could see the progression of the pneumonia as it developed and then as it healed. I am taking antibiotics now, 1 oral and 1 IV. Home health care showed Mom how to deliver the IV antibiotic. Thus saving the daily clinic visits. Mom will be Nurse's Aide qualified when this is over. long walks. That was my only outing and now sometimes I just want to get out of the house....go for a drive. anything!

Back to the pulmonologist. He says "the scans are about 3 weeks behind how you feel and clearly you are feeling pretty good" So we just need to wait til you finish the antibiotic and some more time passes and check again. It's a time thing. So time.."heals all ills" Isn't that the saying? The pulmonologist and Ganguly will pow-wow and see what the next step is and when the transplant process can begin. They may do another bronchioscopy to see if they can determine exactly what's in there. Information is good.

Today I climbed 2 steps unaided. a major goal. Now I'm after more steps and standing up out of a chair without pushing.

Janice is here this weekend and we've had a couple of challenging games of Scrabble. We've each snuck some questionable words in there. The response from Janice is "she's sick...I should let her win." My response is "her IQ is higher than mine...of course she is right..." The tally now is even for wins.


Anonymous said...

All I could think of when I saw the picture was, 'that is OUR mom'! You look great, and smile even better. Keep up the great work knowing in a few short months you'll need that energy to chase around your first grandson. :)

Love you,

Conor and Annie

Anonymous said...

So good to see a good picture of you. YOU look great. YOU look great in pink. Looking forward to making a trip to Kansas after the first of the year.

Unknown said...

Wow - you look amazing! Diane's right, pink suits you. Do you have the saying 'in the pink'? Well, you're in it!

Love #2 GOT

Unknown said...

Lookin' good, Cathi! Hope to see you soon.

Thinking about you all the time,


Unknown said...

We saw Cathi in the pink outfit - positively pretty in peppy pink

Anonymous said...


You look so good!

Sorry we havn't touched base in awhile. Mom had a detached retna (sp) and had to have surgery last week but is mending well and it was a successful so she will be just fine.

She said to tell you that health problems are not for sissys, thats why you both are bouncing back so well.


Nedra, Nina, and Nicole