Monday, September 29, 2008

Will I remember this?

From Mom with slight edits from Conor...

I'm writing this afternoon because nurse Mary told me today that I would probably not remember things right now and for the next week or two. This will be my journal...I may not want to read it, but it will be there. I carefully wrote down everything anyone said today, and so did Walt who went with me.

Nurse Mary is Mary Ferguson Dinges. In the early days of clinic visits, we discovered that her father worked at Black & Veatch and in fact carpooled with my father. Her father died a long time ago, of cancer, and she grew up to be an oncology nurse. I would like her without this connection, but the connection, however slim, makes her special.

I saw Dr. McGuirk today. I like him a lot...along with the other guys in this program. Walt took little bottles of Cold River Vodka to the clinic for nurse practitioner Abby and nurse Jenny who did his biopsy way back when. Cold River is made in Maine and is proclaimed by Bon Apetit magazine to be the best vodka for mixing drinks. Abby is THE most painless administrator of a bone marrow biopsy ever.

* Conor Note: The first time Mom saw McGuirk, some time ago (but after she was out of the hospital), he confidently recited everything that's happened to her. He clearly manages this program with a detailed eye - refreshing to have that level of care.*

CT scan of my lungs revealed much healing since the last scan 19 days ago. So no new antibiotics yet. They stressed that this is the valley when all the counts go down and we must call about every little change. Every ache, pain, nausea, fever, etc that is a change. Of course hot flashes do not count. Just gotta deal with those. They come with the territory. I wouldn't mind them so much if they didn't wake me up frequently in the night.

I received 2 units of magnesium today. Magnesium is important to keep the electrical points firing correctly. I also got the "Protein Queen" award because my protein count was so high. I guess sucking all that stuff down pays off. As my appetite wanes, I wish for a protein drip they could just give me.

So, I think that the social worker would think my report is rambling. And I recognize that. But like the hot flashes, it will just have to be. Comes with the territory.


Unknown said...

Hot flashes - adding insult to injury - not fair!
What great news that the lungs are healing.
Maybe not being able to remember will be a good thing - like they say about being born - something we shouldn't remember. DEB

Mags said...

That's great news about your lungs! Keep up with wonderful work!

Craig and Margaret

Mike said...

I never remember anything, but don't have a medical excuse.

Forgetful mike

Mike said...


If you should remember, and if you feel up to it, remember we can play "battleships" by phone or email.

I bet if you sink all of my ships, you will not only feel better but remember it.


Anonymous said...

Hi Cathi -

I have been away from the blog for a few weeks... Not that I expected any less but you have a lot going on. Keep giving it your all.

You are never far from my prayers and I continue to pray for everyone; you, family, friends and the staff that is caring for you.

I hope that I can keep in touch better. I have fought with the Blogger ID and user name so many times (and had to give up before I got a message posted) but think I may have figured everything out now.

I think of you often and as I said never far from my prayers. I got my donor ID card in the mail today...

I hope you have a good night.

All my love,

Jennifer Reynolds

PS Trey and the girls say "HI"

PSS I am back. I did not figure anything out, but I guess if I send anonymous, it will get there. If it gets to you that is all I care about.