Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Salad Days


Nothing like a good crunchy salad to lift one's spirits. Janice went on a special trip to the store to get the freshest vegetables and fixed a deluxe salad that was on all 4 plates at the table Monday night. No longer a forlorn dish of canned fruit in front of Cathi to offset the crispy greens at the other 3 places.

It was outstanding. Every bit as good as the beef broth and applesauce in the hospital after I hadn't eaten for 10 days or so. I never thought beef broth could taste as good as it did then. I don't remember a lot from that time but I do remember that!

I am spending these 2 days off taking charge of my life. Things like why the trash service thinks I owe them a $10 late fee and why the state of Kansas insists my second quarter sales tax return has not been filed. (I pulled it up on their web site and then had to fax that to the KDOR. Is that crazy or what?) Getting the pictures off my camera (and helping mom with hers) and, sigh, going through the insurance paperwork. I would rather deal with the KS dept of rev than the insurance company. ugh. But that's life and I've got one so I'm not complaining too loudly.

Mom and Dad are busy preparing to go to Kentucky for niece, Margaret's, wedding. I can't believe I'm not going to be there, but I'm sending an awesome gift. and Margaret has promised to text photos from the event. Janice and I are preparing to run rampant while they are gone.

Conor and Annie are preparing for the advent of baby Harrison around Nov 16th. The car seat has been installed. They seem to have classes several times a week for hospital tours, breast feeding and baby burping. I wonder how I knew what to do without all those classes? ha! I grew up with 6 younger siblings....I knew exactly what to do when Conor was born. Nevertheless it's good to have up to date information and I recall women in my own pre-baby clases who hadn't any idea how to care for an infant. I admit to having a leg up.

So from a satisfied consumer of fresh vegetables, I'll sign off and go have some celery with peanut butter.



gail said...


It truly is the small pleasures that remind us of what is important. Fresh salad - I never considered it a luxury, but your description definitely fits!

I vote that Conor & Annie wait until November 19 for the arrival of Harrison. That is (supposedly) David DeVore's birthdate, it is definitely my dad's birthday (uncle Jasper for those who don't know), and Ben's birthday (my son). It is a popular date in our family!

Huge bummer to not be at Margaret's wedding. We'll all send the best wishes for a wonderful wedding & the beginning to a lovely marriage.

Please don't let us read in the newspaper your and Janice's escapades!

love, gail

Anonymous said...

Well Mom, I have a pretty good idea from being so much older than Mark. Now it's just a matter of getting the kid here to have the actual responsibility. Word is we won't be sleeping much...ha - they don't know what a good sleeper I am! *s

Love you!

Unknown said...

Hi Cathi
Yum, celery and peanut butter. I'm reading this in my lunch break and that sounds good!

We once had a friend give us the webcam address for the registry office in Gretna Green where he was getting married - we watched online!! So Maynards, what are you waiting for?

Lovely to hear you sounding so upbeat. Hope the clinic isn't too much of a grind today.
lots of love #2 GOT

Anonymous said...

I can hear the cruch down here. What a treat. Still keep the peanut butter in the refirge? I'll have salad for lunch today in your honor!