Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Gallbladder is out

So was I for most of yesterday. The pain medication was really overwhelming. This morning I feel better, slept good last night. Had a last cuddle with Harrison yesterday before the kids returned to Chicago.

Today I have a laundry list of appointments at the clinic and the hospital. I'd really rather lay in the recliner with the remote all day, but hopefully the gas pains in my shoulders will work their way out by the end of today.

I received a lot of platelets and blood before and during the surgery. Hopefully boosting counts up to a feel good level.

The blog name change is to change the vibrations more toward ultimate recovery with the Bone Marrow Transplant.



Anonymous said...

So good to hear from you! No gall bladder means one less speed bump in the road to recovery.

Now is YOU time. Concentrate on you, follow all doctors orders and rest every chance you get so you'll be at the top of your game going into the next phase.

Keep us informed of your progress as you have and we'll do our part - send positive vibes and pray a lot.

Anonymous said...

Judy is very wise and deserves the pole position today! We definitely echo her sentiments! One less speed bump; one more thing checked off of your "to get well" list; etc.

Glad to hear the surgery went well and that annoyance is gone out of the way!

We're pulling for you in every single way possible here in Kentucky!!

Craig and Margaret

gail said...

Missed seeing you here! It is wonderful that you're recuperating so quickly. The good vibrations & karma & prayers & well wishes are coming your way from Colorado - more than ever!

Keep that recliner warm!

love you so much!

-gail (& Ben!!!)

Tenisha D said...

I had mines taken out last year you get better with time but I still do not feel the same I have to go to the bathroom alot faster now it seems but I hope you are feeling good. the gall bladder thing happens to alot of women who have had babies.