Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Some relatively good news

I have a day off from the clinic today. I will be getting the anti-fungal drug Caspofungin daily via IV, but home health care is going to set me up with the tools to do it at home. So I'll be free to move around and do things. These last five sedentary days have taken a toll. The caspo is to protect my lungs since they are prone to pneumonia when the counts drop. So far only the platelets have dropped significantly.

The good news is that the chloromas tested positive for 5q-. This is the enemy we know. I started taking Revlimid last week as soon as I had the diagnosis so we will continue that. Together with the chemo we hope to knock it out quickly. 8 weeks.

An odd note is that I met with Dr. McGuirk who is normally ultra optimistic and he had a long face. "This sucks," he said. He had just returned from a long vacation and the first thing up was my boob leukemia. I think his head was not quite in the game yet either. We are still positive with the marrow being 100% donor. Whether a booster will be possible at the end of this treatment will depend on the amount of graft vs. host still present. Right now there is still quite a lot.

My cousin Gail returned to Denver yesterday but not before scoring all 3 Austin Powers movies so I'll get all up to date with the Fembots and go around saying stupid things like "yeah baby." Cousin Sara will be here the next few days. Friend Sara brought dinner last night and neighbor Jenn brought fresh roasting ears from her parents' place. All kind things.

All much appreciated.
Today I want to run some errands, set up the sewing center, and perhaps begin clearing things off the dining room table. It has become a clearing house for items on their way someplace else. And it is a BIG table so lotsa stuff.

Conor sent some new pics of the babies so I will post a couple of those when I get them on the right computer.

Friends are sending much appreciated jokes. And I am thinking about what to do to get my mojo running again.



gail said...

Mojo? You gotta get your mojo back, baby. Can we send you back in time to find your mojo?

I had such a great time hanging out with you Cathi. It was a much needed vacation from my hectic life - so thank you for the naps and the laid-back life of not having to be anywhere at any special time that you introduced me too. :)

Hope the capsofungin (sp?) training went well today and all is good today.

Sending karma and mojo. Yeah, baybeeee.

love, gail

Sara Beth said...

The training for the anti-fungal went well except the kind nurse was a little lax in a few ares. Once the nurse was gone (so as not to hurt her feelings) Cathi set me straight on the proper way to sanitize the valves before flushing each picc line. I have to agree with Cathi (sorry nice nurse lady.)

A very laid back day with a few errands and some good relaxation. Tomorrow: cleaning and a trip back to the clinic for blood work.