Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A boring post

Clinic day today. I had a restless night with heart dancing. I guess that's part of the chemo and other drugs I have. I can sit up and bear down to stop it, but it kept starting again last night. Very distracting. Gives me a better understanding of why it rattles my mother so much. I've never had it last so long.

WBC .3, Platelets 5, Hemoglobin 9.8
Counts are going down pretty fast. I got platelets today but still a pretty short day at the clinic. Besides that I slept most of the time. I came home and slept some more. Sara and I hooked up the Caspofungin, simple. She is a pro.

Cousin Jason came over and helped cook dinner and Walt is here to spend the night. Sara went off for a night with her husband.

Mom and Dad are still at the lake with Mari and her husband and sister Lori. Having a great time. This is a good thing.

Seems like there should be more news or humor or something but I'm flat out of originality. I'm taking Ativan to keep from getting nauseated and plenty of other meds as well.

The current schedule is clinic every other day. It's nice to have a day off in between. Not that I am accomplishing a whole lot, but it's nice to not have to get up every morning and rush to shower and eat and get down there. Thanks home health care for the IV Caspo.

From your boring patient.


gail said...

Boring is good. Very good right now!!

Sleep is good for you too. Sounds like it is helpful in letting your body heal & be prepared to fight off this round.

Miss you!

love, gail

Walt said...

Boring should have been the whole day. After a day of not feeling well we had indications of low platelet count. So we talked iwth Dr Gangually - '& I know, it's off to the hospital we go'. So I thought it would be a quick visit for some fluids and platelets. But then they walked in with 4 bags of potassium. One hour for each bag. So Cathi sleeps while continue to search for potassium in a go bag...
So we will get home around 2am and I am sure Cathi will be well rested by then.

Unknown said...

Hi Cathi
Sending over mojo in express packages.
lots of love #2 GOT