Friday, February 26, 2010

Bit of a slump

Hello on Friday. It's been a long week for me with a sore throat. I went to the clinic Wednesday and all the tests for evil things came back negative. I haven't had a fever or a cough or rash or anything besides a very sore throat. I started an antibiotic Wednesday and the throat is some better today but still sore. I have cancelled all my plans for this week and also missed two funerals I would have attended.

So holed up at home I've fixed computers and researched on line; caught up on periodical reading and crossword puzzles; watched the Olympics and anything I had recorded. Sigh. I'm on the verge of boredom. I'm tired of the sore throat. I might be tired because of the sore throat.

Perhaps the number of events I had to cancel is a clue to why I have a sore throat. Maybe I am doing too much. Certainly I say YES! to nearly every invitation. I am anxious to clear things out of the house that are no longer useful. I want to frame pictures, hang pictures, shop for accessories, all today.

I want to get the business onto a new track, going the same direction of technology. I want to see every customer, catch up on their concerns and make decisions about the best way to handle them.

I want to do the things I could not do for so long. And I want to do the things that are newly important to me. I want to be a health care activist; clean up Lake of the Ozarks; work with teens in the Scouting program. I want to make things for my grandchildren and bake things for my kids. I want to see every theatre performance in Kansas City, hear the musical ones and visit all the new restaurants. Do you know how many restaurants opened from July, 2008 to January, 2010? Dozens!

And for some reason I feel a compelling urgency to do it all NOW.

To quote a much loved boss from my past "Ain't gonna happen, Cathi. Think of something else." So I think I will make a list and mark everything A, B or C. Though I know from past lists there will invariably be A1, B2, etc. I can't decide.

So I'm on to another day of laying low, reading, plotting, planning and ... making lists. I am grateful to be doing these things in my house with my stuff [and not in the hospital like my fellow survivor Connie is today.] I am grateful the sun is shining and the temp might get above freezing today. I'm grateful my arms are now strong enough to snap the sheets when I'm making the bed; and looking forward to the time when I can fling the covers back to get out of bed. I appreciate my satisfying new furniture in the family room and the cozy throw to snuggle under.

A gratitude list. The best kind of list.


Robbie Stanley said...

Cathi, this was a wonderful post. Beautifully written. Hope you're feeling back to the new-normal by now and working on your priority list.

Unknown said...

Sore throats, lists to beat yourself up with - welcome back to life as we know it!

The sun is shining here too, after our worst winter in over 30 years - officially. The snowdrops are still out in force, and the daffodils (narcissi) are 3-4 weeks late.

love #2 GOT