Sunday, September 28, 2008

100 grams of protein a day. ugh

Cathi posting tonight.

My appetite is diminishing, food doesn't taste so great and it's getting dang hard to choke down 100 g of protein a day. I was gaining about a pound a day from all the food, but loss of appetite, loss of weight. I'm still getting close to the 100 g. But I wish protein powder tasted like coca-cola and that gatorade had protein. (Gatorade is my drink of choice for some of the big honkin pills on the menu)

They seem to find something to do to me every day at the clinic. Today my blood pressure was lower, more like what used to be normal for me, but it was too low for them, so fluids. I do not think it is possible to drink enough fluids to avoid one of those IV bags.

The nurses tell me it will get worse before it gets better. I guess that's why I'm posting tonight, because I might not feel good enough to write tomorrow and the next day. Fortunately the anti-nausea drugs are working this time so all the protein I've managed to choke down has stayed down.

Conor was here for a few days and I got so used to having Sports Center on the TV that it felt funny sitting in the clinic this morning without it. He is a great attendant and I appreciate all his efforts. But he is one sports fanatic. Speaking of sports, how bout them Chiefs? I actually enjoyed watching the game today. I'm grateful to Conor for coming and to his wife Annie for fending for herself while he is here. I reckon the next time we see each other, they will be parents.

Walt is feeling better every day. His joints were really achy after taking the neupogen shots to blow the stem cells out into his blood. He is staying at my house, looking after the dogs and attempting to restore order to the place. (Have I reported that according to my dad my "whole life is in plastic bags in the garage?") Walt went to the game today and will be staying through this week. Hopefully he enjoyed the Chiefs' win as much as the Star Wars movies.

So uneventful continues. I do not know exactly what the BMT folks expect but right now the White Blood Cells and the Platelets are decreasing every day while the hemoglobin has stayed pretty even. Nobody raises an eyebrow so I guess this is good. I'll keep you posted.


gail said...

Chiefs? Are they that football team that the Denver Donkeys played today? I'm glad Walt got to go. Did you get to see him on the fan feature on the big screen? Was he picking his nose? (sorry Walt, you know I love you).

Keep slugging back that gatorade & water & protein powder. You'll be back to your normal Cathi very soon.

Love you so much!


Mags said...

What a great game for the Chiefs! I'm convinced it was because of Emmit Smith and his big mouth on SportsCenter yesterday morning. He was bad mouthing the Chiefs all over the place...the day of a big rivalry game! Jeez. Glad they won (and the Bears won too! ;) )

Keep up with the great work on the protein, sleeping well, etc! Glad to hear things are going okay!

Craig and Margaret