Monday, September 22, 2008

Chemo - 3rd and last day

So I've been lucky enough to have Ganguly as the attending physician all 3 days of chemo. He makes me believe I will be fine.

And I've been lucky enough to feel only fatigue and a little dry eyes so far. I started taking one of the immune-suppressant drugs today, and i start antibiotic tomorrow and another immune suppressant Wednesday. I have been managing my meds pretty efficiently but I may need help to keep them all straight for a while.

Another list I'm keeping is protein. Grams of protein per day. So far, no tuna gravy...relax! Protein powder, protein bars, and end the day with a protein shake. so far so good. Lotta meat though.

Today my nurse, Apinya (I like her a lot) asked if they had told me yet I would feel 14 yrs younger after the transplant. I'm looking forward to that! to be sure. It might be the same as having normal hemoglobin for the first time in abou 20 years. I texted the info to walt and He responded that the convertible and jenny had done it for him....he didn't need a transplant.

No plants, no pets. no eating out. no eating food brought in. no guests. "This is a time for talking on the phone." Ganguly says. then smiles. New special mask to wear when I'm "out"....that would be the major excursions in my the clinic. It's a different style and I think I can paint something interesting on the flat part facing out. A pig's nose (appropriate) or a mug shot of Walt (probably have to get rid of the red hair though.)

So send emails and I'll keep up the best I can. Suggest movies to watch...funny ones. history. I'm signing up for Netflix and I ordered an ipod itouch. Of course I'll have to have Marshall set it up for me....or one of my nephews. Just kidding.

Checking out to the recliner for the afternoon. Y'all be careful out there now.


gail said...

Everything sounds so incredible, Cathi - in a very good way. The timing, the medications, your team of health care folks, and your amazing family.

We are so proud of you and how you are handling it all. What an inspiration you are to me.

I would not be surprised if you fly through this without any hiccups or bumps. I'll keep my fingers crossed most definitely.

love, gail

Robbie Stanley said...

Vermont checking in. Sounds like everything is under control for tomorrow. Good Luck! We'll all be thinking of you and Walt and eagerly awaiting your next post.