Saturday, September 6, 2008

I go walking

My clinic visits have dwindled to once a week. They draw blood, I see a "provider" (a doctor or nurse practitioner) and sometimes a chest X-ray or CT scan. No transfusions for over 2 weeks now. No Potassium IV either, thanks to some really, really large pills I take every day (This requires a special kind of powerade Zero to ease them down in halves.)

And this week ............... the white cell count had normalized, neutrophils were normal and I got a bit more freedom. I can eat more freely...salad is a real treat. (washing lettuce with soap and water was a chore that we didn't do often). But I'm really looking forward to the opportunity to taste some Bo-Lings Szechuan green beans. I can go to a restaurant at a time when there aren't many people there. Only 'nice' BackYard Burgers, or McDonald's french fries.

Tonight my sister Janice is fixing us steaks on the grill and mine will not be "cooked through" (a euphemism for well done) Still no wine to go with it, but I don't miss that. yet.

The doctor also said..."get stronger"
"ok" I think and announce that I climbed 2 steps unaided.
He was unimpressed.
He said go to the mall and walk. Take a mask in case you see anything risky, and wash your hands a lot, but get stronger.

So Metcalf South, here we come. Metcalf South was the first enclosed area mall (late 60s) and is now nearly vacant. It's also small compared to newer malls and one must walk many loops to accumulate a mile. However, for me it's perfect. Yesterday we saw an employee open the gate to the Macy's store. She was revealed from the floor up. High heels, dark hose, pencil skirt, silk blouse, then her gray hair and face. She must have been 80 and she was marching around in high heels while I was barely able to circle the upstairs of the mall in sneakers. sigh. I walk til my legs shake which doesn't take long but it sure feels good.

Meanwhile my days are getting more interesting as I see more friends and spend more time with the business. Conor is coming to town for the "Light the Night" walk next weekend and will stay while Mom & Dad travel to Denver for niece, Andrea's wedding.

What happens next? or when? We are waiting still for my lungs to be completely clear of pneumonia or "infiltrates." This past Wednesday, the lungs sounded clear for the first time so hopefully the CT scan will be clear. I expect I will go to the clinic on some Wednesday in the next few weeks and the doctor will say "ok, when can your brother be here? go to the hospital tomorrow." and the transplant process will begin. Because everything happens suddenly in this world.

I am very grateful to all of my friends and family for the emails and cards that just keep coming. Your support is pulling me through. thank you ever so much.


Mags said...

Oh comments on this post yet! Looks like we are a little lacking in our area of support...our bad!!

You looked wonderful in the picture! Radiant! We loved it!!

Walking laps in the mall...that is awesome...some day you will be back to the heels. I can imagine you going back to Metcalf South at opening time in your heels just so you can be walking by when the 80 year old in heels opens the door :)

Keep getting stronger and keep staying positive!

Craig and Margaret

brianmargaret said...

Hello Cathi,
Greetings from across the 'pond'!
Hope you are still "in the pink" we say.
Pleased to hear you are out & about. Keep up the good work.
We are developing webbed feet here - there's so much rain !!
Love from us both,
Margaret & Brian

gail said...

I'm tardy! so sorry!! Walking around a mall never sounded so exciting. I will never think of it the same again! :)

I am working on a plan to web-cam some of the time we're in Winfield. Maybe there is wireless in Dexter and we can do some live action from the family reunion? We'll figure something out.

Keep it up Cathi. All the news is so exciting!!