Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Another post from limbo

Yesterday Dr. McGuirk visited me in the clinic. He chided me for losing weight but said again " I'm very optimistic we can get you into full recovery." My lungs sound clear and he was impressed that I can walk upstairs without leaning on the bannister. I can even walk upstairs with my hands full and not touch the railing at all!

He suggested getting on the treadmill more than the Wii Fit. Dad is home unloading his junk from the treadmill so that I can use it. McGuirk suggested 2 minutes a day for a week, adding a minute each week. I think I will be able to do a little more than that, but obviously start slow and build up. The treadmill is in the walkout basement which Dad fondly refers to as his "office." He spends time down there making wood projects, reading, playing solitaire and who knows what else. He does all the cutting and sanding and applying finish to the wood projects outdoors and the treadmill is stationed right inside that door. Thus it has become a roosting place for stuff, despite the several tables and workbenches also in the room.

Walt and family arrived yesterday, spent all their money at the house closing, and the truck is unloading today. He came by the house last night and I had a brief visit with his kids who I haven't seen in over a year. Caroline is practically grown. Part of the BMT protocol calls for no kids; it cuts me off from my young nieces and nephews as well as my grandbaby. But the kids had been in the car for 4 days with no sniffles and no contact with other children so we had a safe visit. No touching! Anthony even came up with an air hug for me.

I am gaining weight slowly. It is sometimes hard to eat enough but I am focusing on protein and that seems to make the difference. Load my lunch box up with protein bars. Debbie is coming to stay this weekend and she promises lots of high calorie cooking and baking good sweets!


Mags said...

Wow the pole post...what a great thing today...maybe I will catch up after all!!!

That sounds wonderful about the visit from Caroline and Anthony! I'm sure they are happy to be out of the van and in a new home.

The treadmill sounds like an exciting new venture! I always try the darn running/walking thing on the Wii and am forever frustrated by it. I would prefer the treadmill if I have to.

Keep hanging in there and maybe if I stay well I will make it back out there one of these days to help out again.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

Good for you for starting out on the treadmill. Yep, they can be intimidating, but they (machines) push us on when we want to slack off.

Cathi, we've had you so often in our thoughts. The big family feast was last weekend at Klassen; first reports were that it was a disaster (due to all the rain and Tom was discouraged b/c all the cars were just tearing up the property since everything was so muddy)---> but when he returned late Sunday, he said things had turned out much better than expected.

So I took that as a 'success'!!

Good to read about your progress. We rarely write, but we do follow your progress!! So glad to read about that trajectory!!

Sara and Tom Pistorius

Unknown said...

The treadmill is 'grown up' exercise equipment - at least you'll be able to look out on the yard while you're counting down the minutes. Is all the blossom out now?

It's another beautiful spring day in England. Such a shame I have to spend it in the office :)

Keep at the protein bars, we're all rooting for healthy lungs.

lots of love #2 GOT

Unknown said...

i guess if you can do 2 minutes a day on the treadmill -- maybe, just maybe I can too! Keep up the good work. DEB

gail said...

Cathi - such exciting news! You can go up the stairs while CARRYING stuff. I mean - how long has this been coming? wow. wow.

And, now you'll be on the treadmill. I am mega-impressed. Next thing we know, you'll be running some kind of crazy marathon. You'll put us all to shame. Okay, at least me. :)

I think of you daily and so many of my friends on FaceBook ask about you often (the ones that are too shy to post here).

Let me tell you a little about FaceBook and the friendships I've renewed. Think about giving it a try!

So, people whom I went to high school with (30+ years ago - amazing how time flies) anyway - we are all getting in touch with each other again. Most are people I never thought I would likely never see or talk to again.

and other people whom I've met through business I have now "friended" on FB.

It makes the world such a small place. Amazing.

Miss you bunches.

Love, gail