Thursday, April 9, 2009

Time Flies

Time flies when you're having fun. I can't believe it's been a week since I wrote here. A week of the same clinic visits every day. I did get permission to eat out one more time since my friend Diane was here from Houston.

I took Vidaza shots, 2 per day, for 7 days. Out of those 14 shots, 3 sites developed very sore knots. I feel lucky. I lost a few meals, didn't feel great for a few days, but overall, survived in good form. Today I feel pretty good. My clothes reflect the tender tummy, and I would like to have more energy, but I have no pain so I'll be grateful.

On Monday an order was issued for 30 more days of Ambizone. I had a depressed reaction. Not really blue, just 30 more days. My days seemed to be consumed by clinic visits and nothing else was happening. Since February 1st I've been in the hospital or the clinic every single day.

I had the bright idea to change the time to noon giving me the mornings to accomplish something. That has worked out well. Now, instead of 4 piles of paper on the floor of my bedroom, there are about a dozen. I'm not sure how productive this is but I feel better.

I am uneasy now about my counts dropping with this pneumonia still lurking. I want the doctors to reassure me that I won't get sick. Instead they ask me if I want to see the psychiatrist. This dude showed up in my hospital room one day, uninvited, with a colleague and proceeded to 'counsel' me and ask a bunch of idiot questions. I promptly disinvited him, told him I had nothing to say, ran him out, and still have a bill for $400 or so.

Anyway, I am taking two oral antibiotics. I take an anti-viral medication. I go to the clinic daily for an anti-fungal medicine. And I keep clean. Following all the rules for dietary restrictions and isolation. That's the best I can do. And keep busy.

Seems like I had lots of other stuff to say, but tonight you get just the facts I guess.


Anonymous said...

30 days that must be treated when you weren't counting on that....another step back in your slog towards health. I was so sorry to read about that disappointment.

Know your 'paper piles' must be burying you!! Those of us with good health trying to control the amt of 'paper' that comes in tries to drown even the most healthy!

All the best. You are in our thoughts and well wishes!!

Sara and Tom and Paul Pistorius

Anonymous said...

Darn....30 days!!?? I know you will keep moving forward to continue to push and move that mountain in front of you.

Piles CAN be a good thing...organization is key...especially because I know you know what's in each pile :)

Glad you are at least getting the morning to yourself. That was a very grand idea!

Thinking of you all the time.
Much love!
Margaret and Craig

Anonymous said...

By the clock it is already Monday morning. I hope you're sleeping well right at this moment!

Hope that you are keeping your piles under control!! (I'm giggling at that statement - preparation H is probably a good cure too).

Sending lots of love and hugs and laughter.


ps - the magic secret code word for tonight (so I can post a comment) is SNELLY. LOL.

susank said...

All that progress on your house sounds great! It sounds like the "in charge" Cathi I know. Way to go! I'm glad you are getting some privileges now and then, too. Good food is definitely an upper. You are UNDOUBTEDLY more on top of your piles than most of us! Keep putting one foot in front of the other. Love, Susan