Saturday, May 2, 2009

Just Shoot Me!

I am so tired of this routine.
I'm tired of spending every day at the clinic but I really hate eating a sandwich for lunch every day. A meat and cheese sandwich. Nothing interesting like lettuce or pickles or tomatoes.
I enjoy the home baked cookies and brownies and muffins. Lunch is at the clinic every way around it.

I'm not really blue or depressed. Maybe I'm just ready for a change. Something to change. I'm feeling kind of useless.

My belly is very sore from the Vidaza (chemo) shots. I haven't hurled in well over a week. Still hitting the treadmill at least once a day. I'm sleeping pretty good. I have plenty of curly hair.

And that's the brief update for Saturday.


BAMc said...

Well Cathi you have a right to feel that way. It’s bound to be a rollercoaster ride. You’re just wanting a new turn on the ride. Is the sandwich thing due to being at the clinic or a required dietary restriction?

Cathi, you are doing an awesome job! As the Spirit song says: “No one can make it better than you.” Keep treading every day. It builds endurance and gets our beloved endorphins activated to keep us up.

And hey aren’t you impressed; I am what your avid friends and fans say, in the pole position! lol. (Sorry but I just got that the last time reading comments. It cracked me up. I’m obviously pretty slow at this social media 2.0 stuff.)

Thanks for the post Cathi and keeping us up to date. We are keeping the positive thoughts going for you every day.

gail said...

So nice to see you here, Cathi! Slow & steady must be the standard game plan from your medical team. Doesn't add anything to the excitement factor though.

Oh oh oh - can you color your hair with some wash-out color? Maybe hot pink? That might turn a few heads - or at least freak out a doc or two! LOL.

Do you need any new & exciting Xword puzzles? How about a dictionary to read? :)

love you bunches! You sound like you're getting healthy - that dissatisfaction with the same-old same-old is a give-away my dear.

Love, gail

Charlene & Shane said...

Hayward saids "rooof, rooof, I love cheese and meat sandwiches, save them for me, rooof, rooof."

Robbie Stanley said...

Dear Cathi,
Thank you for posting even when you're tired and your stomach hurts and you've had it with sandwiches. If it gets too long between posts the level of worry starts to rise all over the country, although it does take our minds off swine flu for a while. Nice to see Hayward checking in, and hey to Barry - in the pole position yet! And I like Gail's suggestion of doing your hair some wacky color, wash out or permanent; go crazy.

Unknown said...

Love Gail's suggestion for hot pink locks! This is the perfect time to explore some alternative looks. Just remember to post some photos :)
lots of love #2 GOT

Unknown said...

I also vote for hot pink hair. It would be something new to talk about at the clinic. Gotta have a little fun. DEB

Mags said...

Hot pink hair seems to be the theme! That would be a lot of fun to break of the monotony of everything. Congrats Barry on the pole position! It's fun to see it "rotated" around.

Hang in there Aunt Cathi!!! I too cannot handle meat and cheese sandwiches regularly; everybody deserves a break in the routine! Sounds like it's the usual diet restrictions though. Thinking of you all the time and sending good wishes!
