Sunday, August 8, 2010

WBC-check! Fevers-check! Next; Home, James??

from Cathi: What I have now is a type of leukemia that colonizes in tissue rather than blood or marrow, as usual. It's very unusual, called a chloroma, but it gets treated like leukemia.
Chemo to the edge, neutropenic diet, isolation while the counts are down and high hopes for when they come back up. The two tumors happen to be in my breasts and they are shrinking rapidly. I have been in and out of the hospital a lot though I am staying at home with a caregiver. I am in the hospital now while they try to figure out the cause for an unknown fever. The tumors are positive for 5q- and this is good. Chances are we won't have any big information till near the end of August.
At that time we will do another PET scan and decide next steps, which could include another round of chemo.
I apapreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers. Cathi

from sister Janice: After several days in the hospital we are anticipating getting sprung from here on Monday or Tuesday. Two days without fever, the docs tell Cathi, and one of those days is history now.
There is some speculation that the fevers, and some lung congestion, could have been caused by one of the arsenal of meds, Revlimid. This stuff is the big guns, the stuff that boosted the slipping graft into the winner's circle last winter, and is really important. Fortunately, it is taken in 21 day cycles, and this is break time.
The blood counts are recovering from the chemo, Cathi's energy is coming back, and the idea of going home is the main thing right now!


gail said...

How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time! This seems like a similar trek - one small step at a time, one day at a time and you're getting there!!

I'll see you very soon. Looking forward to it.

Am sending you lots of hugs & love & NO FEVER thoughts.

love, gail

Robbie Stanley said...

I'm back home and just caught up with all the news of carriages and renewing old friendships in the BMT ward, though I hope you go home today. Even from Vermont, I can feel those tumors shrinking, melting away like the Wicked Witch!

Nancy said...

I like Gail's elephant comparison. I fell in love with a huge statue of one yesterday in a furniture store, which would be a great reminder of that perspective. OK, maybe it's a little big for the house, but you get the idea... ;o)

Here's to getting you back in your own bed again soon!

Love ya,
Nancy D.

Unknown said...

Hi Cathi...Greetings from Denver!
So glad to hear you may be going home soon...there's no place like home!

Great that the tumors are shrinking
and sounds like you have an awesome team of doctors, friends and family surrounding you!

Sending healing thoughts and love to you!


Anonymous said...

Hope today finds you resting comfortably at home. Sorry for this rough patch, but glad to see you on the upswing again. Tuesdays & Thursdays are flexible for me, so let me know if I can help in any way. Chris is driving Jim L. to St. Louis tomorrow for an evaluation for an experimental protocol. Jim had surgery a few weeks ago for a frozen vocal cord. Quick recovery, but still hoarse. think of you often. j

jan rice said...

sorry, didn't mean to post anonymously. first time blogger here:). didn't know i needed to create an account. hope this works! j

Unknown said...

Home James and don't spare the horses! Or could that be Fembots pulling your carriage?

Reassuring news - keep up the shrinking tactics.

lots of love #2 GOT