Friday, October 1, 2010

Grallace & Womit

Gail updating the blog this afternoon.

Cathi has steadily improved since earlier this week. 2 days of no womiting, followed by 2 days of womiting. Very little vomiting, but vomiting, nonetheless.

Meds have been changed. Cathi is getting only overnight nutrition (TPN) and some other antibiotics via IV. After those finish, the IV pole is pushed aside. More meds are showing up in pill form, including Ativan for nausea. Dr. Abyankhar has also provided a base rate of Klonopin to battle the nausea. It seems to be working well since over the last 36 hours Cathi has only had to womit twice and only upon waking in the morning.

Her counts continue to rise slowly. She had received Neupogen shots to boost the neutrophil production in the bone marrow and the latest test puts her over the neutropenic threshold, meaning she can eat anything she wants to! (the irony is obvious in that statement...)

The neupogen shots have stopped for a couple of days to see if things will maintain on their own. If the numbers begin to decrease, then more neupogen to urge those buggers back into production.

Her white blood cells, hemoglobin, and platelets are slowly improving. Dr. Abyankhar seems to think that those counts will jump aboard the healthy train any moment. Every day that they inch up is another indicator that the bone marrow is working.

Cards keep showing up in the mail and Cathi is DELIGHTED to open and read each lovely written note. Friends from around town have popped in for a few short minutes to say hello and catch up very briefly. It is good for Cathi to see people and know that she is not forgotten in our busy lives.

I (Gail) spent all day Thursday taping Cathi's stories about her growing up years. I ran out of time Friday to finish the project, but Cathi's friend, Robbie, who will be here over the weekend, will take up where we left off. The stories are poignant and funny at the same time. I've learned things about Cathi I never knew - such a treat to get to know Cathi through the telling of her memories. If you've ever listened to NPR's Story Corps programs, you will understand the format of this project. I have a lot of editing to do, but will be able to help Cathi cross a few things off her list very soon. It will help relieve some of her feelings of too many things to do in too little time.

Cathi's days seem to blend one into another. Having emails, cards & blog posts is such a treat every day. Keep 'em coming & keep up the NO WOMITING karma!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Cathi! I hope today is better! I admire your strength and your "fighting attitude".

Don Miller (the old Ark City hog farmer)

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the good moments are continuing! And what fun to be able to tell your stories. I loved taping my Grandpa Mohr's stories about growing up and moving to America!

Can't wait to see you next week!