Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Beginning life as an outpatient.

I finally had the bone marrow biopsy today, almost painless. The most painless one I can remember having, that's for sure. The team remembered doing the test for Walt a few weeks ago when we started the match process. Jenny was in the room today, Walt.

We spent an unexpected 5 hours or so at the outpatient clinic today.They wanted much more than a bone marrow biopsy! I go back Friday and again Tuesday for more follow up stuff. I almost said I should have spent another day in the hospital but then I remembered how exciting it was yesterday to be home. I am surprisingly weak, and figuring my way around this "conditioning"diet to get ready for the BMT. The doc today suggested renting chair aerobics videos from the library to rebuild strength.

I have been moving around a lot today with the walker. Motoring on it is easy....sometimes getting up and down is not possible. I am lucky to have such good help. Work continues getting my house ready for me. But now it looks like I may spend more time at my parents' house simply because it is easier to set up extra care from here.

I am not ready for visitors yet but will hang out the sign soon.


Conor Note:

I spoke with the transplant coordinator today, and she said the transplant will occur once enough progress is made. Funny though - I still need to call the doctor(s) since she didn't really tell me what that right amount is. She did say assuming the biopsy has good results then Mom can focus on ensuring good activity (getting around like she did on the walker today), eating right, and getting lots of fluids. So I guess that's what we'll do!

My words cannot do justice to the excitement in Mom's voice at being home last night. Although based on everyone's lovely comments to yesterday's post, you bloggers are just as excited. :) Now let's all keep that support and focus to get her geared up for the transplant!


Unknown said...

Good morning Cathi!
Thanks for the post - I was beginning to experience withdrawal symptoms! Sounds like you had a very good day. At least at the end of the outpatient procedures you can now go home. Hold onto that thought and the amazing amount of progress you've made in the last week.

So, we'll all keep rooting and tooting for continuing improvement so you get the Green Light for the BMT as soon as you're ready.

Armchair aerobics sound fun!
love #2 GOT

Robbie Stanley said...

Good Morning KC and London,
Makes me feel so cosmopolitan sitting here in Vermont!
Glad to hear the bmb was painless and that they went ahead and got some extra work done as long as you were there to maybe save you a separate trip. I'd be interested to hear more about your new "getting stronger" diet -- does it involve chocolate?
I'm thinking of you today while you're concentrating on recovery; love, Robbie

Mags said...

So happy to hear you finally had the bone marrow biopsy...we're keeping our fingers crossed that things look good!

Sounds like you are continuing to do very awesome! You keep setting goals and inspiring! Keep up the great attitude about the walker, chair aerobics, etc!

Mags & Craig

gail said...

I want to know about that "getting stronger" diet too - gee whiz if we can get stronger from simply eating the right foods then why do we even bother to work out? haha.

I'm sure you are up and at'm already today. And it sounds like Aunt Jane & Uncle Virgil's might be the right place for you for a while. Having family nearby is such a wonderful advantage.

Sending big hugs & still cheering your every step!

love, gail

Anonymous said...

Good to hear you are home Cathi. Love the hair cut. Got to try that soon. All the district gear made it safely to my house thanks to Judy Y. Just wanted you to know the Thomas' are praying for you. I'll come to see you when you hang out the sign. Remember one day at a time  Tim T