Thursday, August 7, 2008

Thurs, 8.7 - More Improvement

Mom did not sleep that well overnight due to a few things including some burn in her eyes, but she did wake up with 1.3 WBC. That's a continued improvement that has everyone positive on this round.

Ganguly and I had what could be described as an 'odd' conversation today. I should preface this comment by saying today's his last day for a while... But basically we've been talking daily regarding Mom's health. So we're talking and it was like pulling teeth to get actual updates. In the end, it was positive with work to do. The reason I say it was odd is because he said he was leaving, but doctors would be less likely to speak with me daily b/c she's doing well. I guess that's a good problem to have? I do understand where they're coming from, and having been in some pretty dire straits I more than respect it. Just seemed odd.

First, he said that she could get out in as quick as 1.5 weeks or so. He really feels like she's on the up-and-up so should be able to get home. He (as well as the Physical Therapist) stated she'll still very weak at home, requiring 24 x 7 attention in a very sanitary environment.

I had to ask though - what about the transplant? Initially it was 3 months, but the transplant coordinator said that was before we found a sibling match. He said it would take approximately 6 weeks before she was ready for it. By my calculations, she'll start the transplant process in early to mid-October.

He proceeded to tell me more about the chemotherapy. During this initial round of chemo, she had what he described as a 5 out of 10 in terms of intensity. The next round, immediately prior to the transplant, will be a 10. Needless to say that's a lot. We'll have a clear idea of when it'll happen after the bone marrow biopsy on Monday. Everyone hope and pray that we do not need to revisit the 'induction' phase as a result of leukemia cells still being existent.

The steroids she's been on are more than having an impact. Luckily they're transitioning her off b/c the comedy of her being on them and healthier while dealing with various doctors is contagious. She knows the impact they're having, but has fun with them. Or at least she's having fun. An eye doctor came in today who she was a little annoyed with / mocking. Well he proceeded to dilate her eyes. Once she realized it, she decided to mess with him a bit - including faking sleep while he was there so he couldn't analyze her eyes. I'd ordinarily be a little disappointed, but I have a feeling Mom knows what she's doing and as Mari said - I'd hate to be a pneumonia cell right now!

She did have some applesauce and beef broth today with the hope being she could get the feeding tube out. She's more than ready, and wants that damn thing out as quickly as possible. Momentum is on her side.

She also walked around a bit, working out her legs and lungs. They did still say she'll require regular, if not daily, PT when she gets home. We're anxiously preparing the house for this, and will let everyone know when visitors are ideal.

Thanks again everyone and keep the faith!



Rhonda, DJ, Winston and David said...

Home in a week and a half??!!!
Yahoo...!!! This is the best news.
Here is a pig joke...short and sweet. What does a pig do after school? HAM work!!!

Have another great day! Love ya, Rhonda, DJ and the boys

Anonymous said...

Hey Cathi -

The steps are getting bigger each day! Just keep focused on the next step and make it just a bit better than the last.

No joke today, although I still have a plethora or Iowa jokes, but a promise instead. My husband bought a 72 oz. bag of chocolate chips and I thought of you. When you are home and there is a consensus that it is all right, an entire pan of THE cookie is all yours!

Count your blessings and focus.


Linda said...

Go Captain Cathi! Keep that sense of humor with those docs; and tell them you want more good news. You have worked so hard and we are all so proud of you. Here's to more rest and another good day. Love and Hugs. Linda

Robbie Stanley said...

Wow! Lots of big stuff going on out there. You're doing so well that the main doc has to move on to other patients! Your team is happy, and we are delighted at the prospect of your being in your own home so soon (although it might seem like forever to you!).
Here's a short joke:
"The doctor said he would have me on my feet in two weeks."
"And did he?"
"Yes, I had to sell the car to pay the bill."
Love, Robbie

Anonymous said...

How many narcissists does it take to screw in a light bulb?

Just one, the world revolves around him......

Unknown said...

Hi Cathi
With all the bad jokes flying around, no wonder you're doing everything in your power to get outta there!

Last night's blog is very positive news - Well Done You for battling so hard and coming out on top. Lots of small steps will get you back home really soon, so please be careful not to over-tire yourself.
lots of love to the #1 Girl on Tour
#2 GOT xx

Unknown said...

My goodness - you don't do anything in the normal way do ya? First, you weren't SUPPOSE to have this damn luekemia and now from ICU/feeding tube/oxygen to home in a week and a half!

I've always been amazed at how much you accomplish - and now bouncing back like this!

I hope all the good news lifts your spirits & strenghtens you even more and keeps building.

I can only imagine how happy you'll be to walk thru your front door. Someone best hold those doggies back! Be sure to TAKE PICTURES of the happy reunion!! DEB

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! Way to go Cathi! It just goes to show how remarkable you are! Keep up the good work.

A joke for you...

It was Saturday morning and Jake, an avid hunter, woke up ready to go bag the first deer of the season. He walks down to the kitchen to get a cup of coffee, and to his surprise he finds his wife, Alice, sitting there, fully dressed in camouflage. Jake asks her, "What are you up to?" Alice smiles, "I'm going hunting with you!" Jake, though he has many reservations, reluctantly decides to take her along.
They arrive at the hunting site. Jake sets his wife safely up in the tree stand and tells her: "If you see a deer, take careful aim on it and I'll come running back as soon as I hear the shot." Jake walks away with a smile on his face knowing that Alice couldn't bag an elephant -- much less a deer.

But not 10 minutes pass when he is startled as he hears an array of gunshots. Quickly, Jake starts running back. As Jake gets closer to her stand, he hears Alice screaming, "Get away from my deer!" Confused, Jake races faster towards his screaming wife. And again he hears her yell, "Get away from my deer!" followed by another volley of gunfire.

Now within sight of where he had left his wife, Jake is surprised to see a cowboy, with his hands high in the air. The cowboy, obviously distraught, says, Okay, lady, okay! You can have your deer! Just let me get my saddle off it!



Anonymous said...

Cathi - I was happy to read the blog about your progress and the potential to go home soon. That will be great.

Please know you're in my thoughts and prayers.

Mary Brenner

gail said...

such WONDERFUL news!!! Have they been able to keep you from dancing all the time? :)

I'm glad that Ganguly got to know you & the family. I am hoping that all of his future patients thank you for helping loosen him up a bit. LOL.

Keep it up dear Cathi. You are an amazing inspiration to so many.

love you bunches.


Anonymous said...

Good Day to you Cathi,

So glad to hear that all your hard work in paying off big time! Way to go!

Love light bulb jokes so I'll pitch in...

How many red heads does it take to screw in a light bulb?

None...she will just nag & complain until someone else does it.


Debbie K. said...

Hi Cathi,

What wonderful news that your counts are rising and you are getting closer to going home. You are amazing!

God does answer prayer.

Debbie K. (COR Colorado Buddy)

Anonymous said...

What wonderful news, going home bet you have to pinch yourself just to be sure. I love that your fooling with the docs, some time they need an injection of humor.
Speaking of humor

What's the difference between chopped beef and pea soup?
Everyone can chop beef, but not everyone can pea soup!

Everyone should be doing the happy dance, can't tell you how glad for you I am.

Love Ya
GOT #3

suzanne said...

Hi,Cathi this is Caroline "Hop you get well soon."