Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Wed, 8.6 - ICU Departure and Light the Night

You read that right. Mom left the ICU today. Needless to say it was quite a turnaround today from the past couple of days - a great thing. Ironically it started out with a pretty restless night during which she actually wanted a 'day off'. When she was told she could have it, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief, took her oxygen mask off, and just relaxed. Of course the mask went back on pretty damn quickly as she wasn't quite that qualified for a day off. :)

But she got going this morning and Ganguly gave her an encouraging report stating that she was doing better. He reported her WBCs were up to 0.8 (the highest point in a couple of weeks). He also said she'd potentially leave ICU soon. I'm not sure if I mentioned it previously but last week when there was a disconnect between him and ICU regarding ICU departure, he told me it's the ICU doctors' call. Apparently that's how we progressed so quickly.

From there it escalated. She sat in the chair, walked around the ICU with her mask, had some of her attached contraptions removed, and was out of ICU in what seemed like 5 minutes. It was really about 4 - 5 hours. Mom was ecstatic to get out of there and I'm attaching the picture of her waving goodbye to the ICU.

Note she's also not wearing a mask at all. Instead it's a tube that goes ear-to-ear with an extension up each nostril. All I can say is she's come a long way if she wore that. From Day 1, that's something she avoided and even in her worst moments has mustered up the energy to decline it.

She's now back on the 4th floor and I'll post an updated room number as soon as I have it. Ultimately if you keep sending mail to the 4102 'address' she'll get it. The same staff she had previously works the ward she's in now, and we're hoping she's back in the 41st ward shortly. It's a matter of a room freeing up. Something she's extremely excited about is she actually has real clothes on...what a novel idea.

One last thing about today. She got the blog read to her today, which was very exciting. She did have one request - more jokes and stories but shorter. No pressure, bloggers! Also, until we announce otherwise she is not able to have additional visitors. So don't rush up there to say 'hi' and see how she's doing. The blog will continue to be the preferred method of communication with the outside world.

Light the Night
Mark has volunteered to captain the team for Light the Night. It's a Leukemia and Lymphona Society event on Friday, September 12th @ 6 PM in Overland Park. The specific location is actually Corporate Woods so not far from Mom's nor Grandma and Grandpa's houses. The walk actually begins at 7:45 PM so festivities will be going for quite a while beforehand.

If you are interested in participating, we would love to have you. Please utilize the instructions below to register for our team:

1. Click the following link:;jsessionid=18EE76335208C6A84E18B70702A9E2B0.ltnreg-server2?component=joinTeamLink&page=Home&service=direct&session=T&sp=Steam
2. Click the 'Search By' dropdown
3. Select 'Team Name'
4. Enter 'Maynard' in the 'Search' box to the right
5. Click the 'Search' button. The site should return 'Team Cathi Maynard'.
6. Click the 'Join' button to the right.
7. Enter your registration information.

We'll be in touch as the team forms to ensure we're all meeting before / after, and potentially having Team Captain Cathi shirts made up for Mom.

Contact Mark Maynard @ 913.909.1750 with any questions!


Anonymous said...

Happy dance! Cathi's out of ICU!!!

OK, while we were in Iowa for the week of Cub WB, most of us were not from Iowa and there was an absolute plethora of Iowa jokes flying around all week (no disrespect to those of you who live there.)

Do you know why they had to put artificial turf in the Iowa State football stadium?

To keep the cheerleaders from grazing!

Have a great day tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Ok, It took someone to tell a bad Iowa joke to get me on this blog. Cathi we are here watching your progress. Hilary wants to do the Walk Sept. 12th. Keep on fighting, you will be outside in no time. Let's make a date for the Buffalo River and Shane will have to "talk" to Mark again. Love, Charlene, Shane and Hilary

gail said...

hurrah, hurrah, hurrah!! This is such exciting news, Cathi!! YEA!!!

It is wonderful to see you waving buh-bye to the ICU and HELLO to the next phase.

I'm thinking that I just might make it to the Light the Night event. Maybe I can coerce my sisters & niece to join the family too. Now, won't that be a photo-op - watching the Snell/DeVore family taking up all the space alloted for the event!? LOL.

Ben sent me e-mail this morning and said he would be sending me the winning lotto numbers every week since he has a 9 hour advance in time and can read tomorrow's newspaper before the numbers have been picked here. I'll let you know how much I win. harhar.

Okay - I'll cut this short since Conor asked. I don't want to be too much like a Chatty Cathi!

love you so much!


Anonymous said...

Hey Cathi,

Knock Knock

Who's There


Lettuce Who

Lettuce Rejoice

Cathi's out of ICU

Much Love,


Rhonda, DJ, Winston and David said...

Dear Cathi, Winston broke his boogie board banging the PBs into the ocean floor today. He was pleased. He was movin' too!
Congrats on your move! So happy 4U
The walk is also in Denver and LA on the 12th. All "Light the Night". Let us know about the tshirts and we can form Cathi Maynard teams sporting the shirts all around the country.
Love & prayers,Rho & Surfer dudes

Robbie Stanley said...

Hey there, Cathi, Congrats on rejoining the regular room folks! There's nothing like a day off to make real progress! Of course, you don't see big changes without all the little steps involved so it's nice when the perseverance pays off big once in a while. I look forward every morning to Conor's updates and all the comments. Good luck today and lots of love,

Unknown said...

Good Morning Cathi

Whoa #1 GOT - out of ICU and what's more, in REAL clothes! You're really shifting now baby!

Okay, short joke:-

Doctor, doctor, I've lost my memory.
When did this happen?
When did what happen?

love Janet xo

Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
Great to see that smiling face without a mask, and out of ICU we are really proud of you, keep up the good work
My joke for the day, this one is for your dogs
Q: What do you get if you cross a sheepdog with a rose?
A: A collie-flower!
Lots of groans I can hear them all the way from KC

Love Ya
GOT #3

Anonymous said...

Janean and I are thinking of you daily. Praying too.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you are out of the ICU. I have been closely following this blog but have been unsuccessful so far in posting. Cathi, you know I need a lot of technical support. Connor, you are doing a great job on the updates the so many are watching every day. Cathi, sounds like you have been on a real roller coaster but hopefully have turned a corner. You have been in my thoughts daily. Now for a joke:

'What's that big brass gong?' one of the guests asked.

'It's not a gong It's a talking clock,' the drunk replied.

'A talking clock? Seriously?' asked his astonished friend.

'Yup,' replied the drunk.

'How's it work?' the friend asked, squinting at it.

'Watch,' the drunk replied. He picked up the mallet, gave the gong an ear-shattering pound, and stepped back. .

The three stood looking at one another for a moment.......

Suddenly, someone on the other side of the wall screamed,
'You ass-hole! It's three-fifteen in the morning!'

Sara Beth said...

Ok here's short. D & I got keys to the 'town' house yesterday. I got the toilet to flush. Today I met more neighbors.

Love seeing pictures from team Cathi.


Anonymous said...

A big East Coast Yahoo for you're own private room again! Which reminds me of the bumper sticker my neighbor has on her car: "Yahoo is Not a Foreign Policy".

Two cannibals were eating a clown. One turns to the other and ask's "Does this taste funny to you?".

Love ya girl!

suzanne said...

Anthony has a joke for you,

Why did the penny jump off the cliff, and not the nickel?

The penny had less cents.

Glad to see you are doing better.
Love you, Suzanne