Thursday, August 28, 2008

Still recovering


No news is good news...things are progressing as hoped. Maybe not fast enough to suit me but fast enough. I am staying with my parents still and sisters rotate in and out. Mari is here this week and Mom & Dad went off to the lake house for a few days. They returned today and reported eating out every meal except one, when they had leftovers from the night before. It is sometimes a challenge to come up with home cooked meals 3x a day.

All my food has to be prepared here...on-site. and there are quite a few restrictions. Nothing raw unless washed with soap and peeled (we had peeled zuchini tonight which only looked strange) and nothing fermented. No spices added after cooking. etc etc. All with the goal of avoiding any kind of germ since my white blood cell count is so low.

I have a visit with a pulmonologist tomorrow to see how my lungs are doing. There are still traces of pneumonia which seem to be on the run after 1 course of antibiotic. So I'm taking a second course.

I have few visitors, and some are simply waves at the door because, well because. I am vulnerable. My hemoglobin and platelets have been maintaining but the white cells are not producing on their yet.

I have graduated from the wheelchair (1 week) to the walker (another week) to independent walking. I first visited the clinic without the walker accidentally because Mari and I locked ourselves out of the house when we were almost ready to leave for the clinic; we left her purse and the walker behind.

I do exercises to gain strength. I read, I work a little bit. I knit (just learning,) nap...the days seem to go by without too much boredom. I check email several times a day and appreciate messages from everyone.

I must get a photo posted that shows me upright, wearing real clothes. All the photos out here are so...hospitally. I am pretty self sufficient.

The next step, when the doctors think I am ready, will be the bone marrow transplant. That will be another hospitalization consisting of around a week of chemo, 2-6 weeks of recover in the hospital, then 100 days out of the hospital. I am optimistic that I will be able to walk the halls and maintain my strength during that hospital stay.

I'll keep updating occasionally, but the reports are very similar. I don't want our readers to become bored!



Anonymous said...

Yea! THings are looking good. Love hearing from you. But do miss Conors comments. THe boy has a way with words. THink he got that from you.

gail said...


It is so wonderful to hear such great news. I don't care if you think it is boring - it is very very exciting to know that you are doing so well and are getting stronger by the day. Wow - no walker! That is impressive. Are you managing the staircase yet? Great big steps. Look how far you've come from just a couple of weeks ago. Amazing. Simply amazing.

Love you & miss you something terrible.


KimMcLew said...

Hi, Neighbor! Checking in and reading all KINDS of wonderful updates. Please excuse my silence - we've been experiencing extended family health issues,but after scares, our end result is turning out well like yours. Yea to all!

As I read the words, "no leukemia," I'm just beyond words... Your shorter hospital stay speaks volumes about your tenacity. You've been amazing!

I recognize many parts of your descriptions (albeit sans leukemia, so drastically different). Our parents have collectively experienced the dangerously low white counts, marrow, heart and pulmonary issues. I share this to offer you positive feedback and hope because all are "weathering the storms" and doing remarkably well... And, like you, Cath, they are surrounded by supportive family.

To that end, I don't know where your folks live so I'm not sure where you are right now, but I DO know you're in the right spot with loving support.

Our family keeps you and yours in our thoughts and prayers... We pretty much think you all ROCK! :)

This blog is great - kudos to Conor and you for its maintenance. Glad to hear you're checking in on emails, too.

I know your transplant is the next huge step and coming up soon. Know that more people than you may even realize are cheering you on!

So, SO proud of you, Cath!

Unknown said...

Hello #1 GOT
Nice to see you on the blog. i had stopped checking it daily and then my Mum & Dad told me yesterday that you'd put on a new posting.

It's all such great news - you're doing fantastically well. Focus on each step at a time and you'll be holding your first grandson sooner than you think!

Love Ya! #2 GOT