Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tues, 8.5 - A Good Day

I'm happy to report today was a good day. I can't say great, but definitely a positive day. She slept pretty well last night, and Ganguly had a positive report. He told me her X-Rays improved a little more over yesterday. Every little bit counts!

Mom maintained a good temperature today where she did not spike a fever through the day. That's more than good as it's been a while since that's been the case for a couple days in a row. Let's definitely root her on for the same tomorrow and going forward.

The biggest issues today were continued anxiety and distrust in the breathing machine(s). For the anxiety, they did go from an 'as needed' prescription to regular. That should help now that she knows how frequently she'll be getting the ativan and when. My only fear with it is she'll now eagerly anticipate it too much, resulting in additional anxiety.

The nurses and doctors did have to reassure her several times today that she had a very good day. According to those who were with her today, she took off her oxygen mask (the smallest one!) and said she was done. I'm sure it feels similar to a hamster wheel - you run and run without any perceived improvements. She also mentioned several times she's scared. That's what we're here for - to ease it. A lot of times by just reminding her of what to focus on, she'll do a lot better versus worrying about things that she cannot control. I'm told she reacted positively every time to the good vibes when she was scared or tired of the continued hospital stay.

She even slept with the small oxygen mask several times today while sleeping and maintained a good (90+) blood oxygen level. That shows improvement along with the speutum she got out. She's sleeping with it tonight after insisting she needed the BiPAP to do so. It was good to see her instead decided that the oxygen mask was uncomfortable after thinking she needed the BiPAP. Even last week she preferred the BiPAP to sleep. Hopefully we can keep her on the small mask as much as possible, ensuring her lungs remain strong.

Mom also got into the chair again today. That's a great sign too.

She did not ask to read the blog today although she was noticeably restless and wanted things to do. Margaret and Craig finished off her fireplace the past few days. They showed her pictures of it, and she was tickled at the finished product. So while the blog did not get read, there are plenty of comments to read tomorrow.

Short entry tonight, but really looking forward to getting back there on Friday and staying in the room to support and encourage!


Linda said...

wHey Cathi. Tuesday night here. Never did get lunch today. Conor tells us you have been to your chair two days in a row and they have finished your fireplace. That's awesome. Even the good Dr. says things are improving. Its probably not fast enough for you at this point, but keep up the good work. It will be worth it. Lots of good hugs for you. Linda

PS I don't know those crazy friends of yours competing for post position, but I think I beat them. I can't wait till we are all celebrating your full recovery.

Anonymous said...

Cathi -

Remember, slow and steady. . .

Good report today. Count your blessings, focus on the next small step and the goal will be yours.

OK, so I make my first trip to Gilwell, located in the middle of Iowa at a beautiful conservation center just outside Guthrie Center where I became one of 8 bobwhites. My best bobwhite buddy, a hulk of a man named Bob, decided that for that week we should always take a few minutes each day to laugh and he made sure we did, to the chagrin of the other critters who thought we weren't being serious enough. Little did they know. . .

There was a woman in the owl den (we called them dens at Cub WB) who fancied herself a great singer/performer and made sure the Lord Baden Owls sang at every opportunity. She was starting to wear some bobwhile nerves a little thin and Bob had dubbed her "Thundershorts." Don't ask why.

One evening when all the day's scheduled events had been completed, the bobwhites had settled into their den site for some debrief and fellowship. Bob was a little late arriving, and as he lumbered up to our picnic table, he said, "LSMFT!" and heaved a big sigh. After a few moments of silence and questioning looks from the covey, I finally said, "Bob, I know what LSMFT used to mean, but what does it mean now?" His reply????? "Lord, save me from Thundershorts!" Darrell laughed so hard he fell backward off the picnic table bench and was laying on the ground with all four up in the air. That became his personal totem - a little bird on its back with its little legs sticking straight up.

That was the week that was!

By the way, Bob says if you build a small ramp, put it on my front porch, take a tube of toothpaste, remove the cap, lay the tube on the ramp and stomp on it, you can hit the front door of the house across the street. Wouldn't Cubs and Boy Scouts have a riot with that one???

Tomorrow's goal: Some more time out of the bed sitting in the chair and one more step forward.

Thoughts and prayers are yours.


Rhonda, DJ, Winston and David said...

Okay, the Anawalts reporting in on the Angels in the outfield in Anaheim. I think the team spent so much time clubbing the Pneumonia Brothers out there that they missed a few key catches and lost the game. We did not feel the losers, however, knowing we had a higher goal! Keep kicking them in the nuts Aunt Cathi! Remember, that is David talking...and we shall all be celebrating at the homecoming party at your house!
We are so proud of how hard you work each day to get out of Jayhawk Inn. And Conor is a great "Cathicaster" (like sports caster...which is what Winston wants to be when he grows up!)XO

Rhonda, DJ, Winston and David said...

Okay, the Anawalts reporting in on the Angels in the outfield in Anaheim. I think the team spent so much time clubbing the Pneumonia Brothers out there that they missed a few key catches and lost the game. We did not feel the losers, however, knowing we had a higher goal! Keep kicking them in the nuts Aunt Cathi! Remember, that is David talking...and we shall all be celebrating at the homecoming party at your house!
We are so proud of how hard you work each day to get out of Jayhawk Inn. And Conor is a great "Cathicaster" (like sports caster...which is what Winston wants to be when he grows up!)XO

Unknown said...

Good Morning Cathi
Conor's update on yesterday is really uplifting. It must be very frustrating for you, with all your 'get up and go', so please take heart when your medical team say you've had a good day. You're so tough, your lungs are getting stronger every day, nothing can stand in your way.

Well done Margaret & Craig - good job!! Cathi, you must be soooo pleased to have your fireplace done. It will be a lovely 'welcome home' gift. But in the meantime, make the most of the wonderful care and attention you're getting in hospital. Okay, time for a joke:-

Three nurses arrive at the pearly gates. St. Peter asks the first why he should admit her. She replies that she has been an emergency room nurse and has saved thousands and thousands of lives.

"OK", he says, "Come on in!"

The second reports that he has been an ICU nurse and he, too, has saved thousands and thousands of lives. St. Peter lets him in, too. St. Peter asks the third nurse the same question.

She replies that she has been a managed care nurse and has saved thousands and thousands of dollars for the insurance company.

St. Peter replies, "OK. Come on in. But you can only stay three days."

Thinking of you Cathi, and we're all rejoicing at every little step on the road to recovery.

love #2 GOT

Robbie Stanley said...

Hi Cathi,
Congrats to Linda for nabbing the post position today!
It's another rainy day here in Vermont. July broke the record for rainiest ever and it looks like August is following the same pattern. Good day to work in the office.
Meanwhile, your fireplace is done! It will be so great to see it when you walk in your front door. Think of next winter when you're cozying up on the couch and you have a roaring fire going in the wonderful new fireplace. And today, you're doing all the things you should be doing, inching toward health and complete recovery. I was going to include a joke about patience but got impatient looking for the right one. Hang in there; you're doing so well.
Love, Robbie

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Kansas,
Running a little late today had a con call with a fellow employee in the UK it went well, but I over slept this am (woke up at 4 am)and had to hustle my butt in here.
Sounds like you are making progress but not enough to make you happy, but isn't that the way it always is we sometimes expect more of ourselves than we can deliver. So you need to look to all of us to tell you what a great job you are doing, and how proud of you we all are. Okay enought of the mushy shit you better stick that chin out and give us some attitude.
Today's joke is a oldie but when I heard it for the first time I doubled over in laughter but I might have been a little tipsy let me know what you think was it the alchol or the joke.

What is a the name of a shriveled up grape that rides a horse?

Roy Raisin

So are you laughing, you better be since I embarass myself daily on this blog.
Hey Margaret and Craig what a great thing to do for Cathi,if you are ever looking for a side job of tiling let me know I have some work in ohio that needs done.

Okay guess I had better get to work, we are all pulling for you.

Love Ya
#3 GOT

Anonymous said...

Hi, Cathi! Good vibes coming your way from Colorado! Finally, I got to read up on how you are doing. Don't get too impatient, love, you've fought thru tough stuff before and you'll do it this time, too! I'm right beside you in my heart, breath for breath.

No zipline yet, but maybe I'll save that for when we can come out here together and REALLY enjoy the rush!


Skip Peavey said...

Hey Cathi. Still here, waiting for our game of Gin Rummy. I expect you will be able to teach me more about this game ..... I love to play it with the family.

I am thinking about you every single day! You continue to be in our family's prayers.

I am staying busy with building websites and donating them. You really got me started on something super fun. It is so rewarding. I will say that the Scouts web stuff keeps me busy the most.

Good news, Pat Johnston will be assisting me for this upcoming year with the Troop website and email blasts. He is a super guy. we will be having a training session soon.

You will beat this thing, i just know it!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Cathi,
I know you're tired of not being well, but hang in there.It seems like it's always when you think that you can't take another minute that things begin to get better and before you know it you can't even remember how it was. You're moving toward the positive now and soon this will all be behind you.
I was working in my garden yesterday and a new visualization came to me for you.

Think of a water sprinkler and all the droplets are white blood cells. As they hit your skin they are absorbed and moving through your system. Fortifying you, washing away all infections and dis-ease.
Once again you are a bright, beautiful blooming flower.

Lots of love & hugs,

gail said...

Good afternoon Cathi! I hope you've been up and around today also. I'm so glad to hear that yesterday was a better day than before. It is indeed an uphill climb, but I also know that you have climbed quite a few hills already. If you didn't know already, that's me (and everyone else you have ever touched in your life) pushing from behind helping you get there!!

Love you so much and sending lots of hugs to you.


Sara Beth said...

Carla said: you are a bright, beautiful blooming flower.

Cathi, I continue to read wonderful, accurate analogies of you. Your amazing energy has always been an inspiration to lots and lots of people, if you don't believe it, just read this blog.

Love to you and everyone surrounding you with their support and energy. Those pnuemonia brothers are no match for the Snell siblings!


Anonymous said...

How many Mizzou freshmen does it take to screw in a light bulb?

None, that's a sophomore class.