Thursday, December 4, 2008

Down Again. Rats.

"Rats" to quote Charlie Brown.

Dr. Abhyankar was my physician this morning. The white blood cells were down again (1.1), Neutrophils were even lower (2%), Hg down to 10.2 (ha ha I used think that was way high) and Platelets down to 150 something (which I used to think was high.) For someone who skated along at just under normal platelets and WBC, and very low Hg for 10-12 years, I'm sure irritated today that these counts are down from Tuesday.

A little perspective makes it kind of funny. I used to be so pleased to have a Hg of 9.2 and here I am complaining when it's a whole point higher than that.

So I'm being very careful now. Washing my hands for longer, not eating things right out of the pantry (I have reverted to childhood habits living with my parents again,) and nothing fresh at all, even washed.

The checks for infection or viruses came back negative. This is good. The liver enzymes are comfortably in the middle of the normal range. This is good. And I still feel great.

So Dr. A changed my meds again and I go back Saturday to check my blood. They still did not have the Walt/Cathi ratio from the bone marrow biopsy. I have been taking an antibiotic since about 21 days post transplant that is specifically to prevent pneumonia. Every transplant patient takes it, not just me. Dr. Ganguly changed the actual drug once and it changed again today. It's a little more interesting than just taking a different pill though. Today I had to sit in a tent and breathe the medicine for about half an hour. It wasn't uncomfortable but it tastes bitter. I will do this every 3 to 4 weeks. He reduced the antiviral medication I am taking by half. And gave me another neupogen shot.

The possible reasons for this slowdown are quite a list. None of them sound very serious. It's more a case of not great news than bad news. My report is colored by my frustration. When I look at the big picture, that I have an entirely new blood making factory, (leaving out that it came from my brother) these little bumps in the road don't seem so large.

Hayward, on the other hand, is thriving. He has been eating his food again, enjoying a rawhide strip, and has taken a couple of short walks. He is still weak, and the walks are actual walks rather than the usual drag. I have some friends from Arkansas City who are regular house guests and Mark often gets up early and takes the dogs for a walk. When I get up and ask if he's been out, the answer is something like "yeah, we went for a drag...." Hayward will heel and walk right beside me anywhere when I train him. But put a leash on him and he starts pulling immediately. Mark and his sons like to wrestle with Hayward and play with a pull toy. One time son Andy's then girlfriend (now wife) was along and she might not weigh as much as Hayward. She wanted to play so grabbed the other end of the pull toy. Hayward started pulling and Melissa and the ottoman bounced all the way across the room!

My sister Mari is here for a couple of days. and my friend Charlene is coming this weekend. Giving Mom a break from the clinic visits. I think Mom would rather clean the toilets than take me to the clinic.

So to sum up, things are progressing.


Robbie Stanley said...

Hey there,
Thanks for the updates - it all sounds pretty good, really, but we'll keep cheering for those numbers to go up so you can get back to your house and doggies. Have fun with Charlene this weekend.

Unknown said...

Hi Cathi
Sounds like you and Hayward are in a Progress Competition and right now he's pulling ahead, in more ways than one!

Sorry to hear you're back to the boring diet, let's hope those numbers bounce back very soon. I'm sure Charlene has a way with tinned veggies that'll make them taste gourmet!

lots of love #2 GOT

Mags said...

Sorry to hear about the counts...although I'm sure you're still enjoying your overall increased hemoglobin and such since the transplant! Hang in there and have a blast with Charlene this weekend!


Anonymous said...

Hang in there, girl. You are not a bother to your friends or family. You got to quit thinking that way.
Who would believe you are an expert on all the numbers associated with blood. Your "new" concerns about eating habits just prove that your mother was ALWAYS right.