Monday, December 1, 2008

No guests allowed

The bad news from the blood work this morning is that the WBC are still at 1.5 but the neutrophils are only 4%, so no guests. And back to the neutropenic diet.

Rats! I sure thought I had seen the last of that diet. Back to nothing fresh and everything canned or frozen. No fresh fruit, even frozen. No leftovers. Everything well cooked.

The good news is the liver enzymes were normal. Yippee.

Not all the results of the bone marrow biopsy are back yet, but they do know there is no "disease" in it. (Disease in this case means leukemia. I don't know why he didn't just say that.) The rest of the results should be back Thursday.

The Hg was 10.9 and the Platelets 199. These are great, but count for nothing when the Absolute Neutrophil count is .1.

I am feeling a bit discouraged and annoyed at the moment, but I reckon that will pass as I get into my To-Do list today. Or at least I will forget it for a while.

I saw Dr. Aljitawi today and Dr. Male, a new face. Dr. Male is doing a fellowship in oncology, rotating through the different disciplines. I'm not sure how long she will be at the bone marrow transplant clinic, but I liked her. They drew extra blood to check for an infection or virus, then sent me upstairs for a Neupogen shot. We'll see the results on Thursday.

Meanwhile, on other fronts, my pet lab, Hayward, is under the weather. He has seen the vet and now has his own prescription for Amoxycillin. He laid around for 3 days, then seemed to perk up a bit on Saturday night. He is 11 years old, and has had a good, healthy life. However, I really hate the idea of him going when I am away. Dad is keeping a close eye on him, and is in charge of dosing him with the drugs. My dad is very fond of Hayward. You could almost call Dad a dog person, except that he likes dogs that live in someone else's house.

I'm going to have a round of bowling or boxing on my still new Wii, and then tackle the list.


Robbie Stanley said...

Hey out there,
Sorry to hear the not-great numbers news I'm glad to hear Hayward's got his meds and will be right as rain soon. Hang in there, give yourself a treat (canned chocolate?), it's only a temporary setback.
Thinking of you,

Mags said...

What a bummer about the numbers! I hope they all come up the way they are supposed to very soon for you! Glad Hayward is on meds too...definitely keep us posted on how he's doing!

How is the Wii treating you? Do you have a favorite sport yet?
