Monday, November 10, 2008

Monday, Monday. sometimes it just turns out that way.

Clinic visit today. I am "holding steady" but the liver enzymes are still up. So I have to return on Thursday. They reduced one medication, the anti-fungal, to see if that makes a difference. If it doesn't, then they will schedule a GI workup to see if there is graft vs. host in my gut somewhere. This will start with the colonoscopy that I managed to duck this summer since I was in the hospital receiving chemo for leukemia. Sigh.

Nobody seems too worried. And this is one of the possibilities listed for me while preparing for the transplant. The PICC line isn't going anywhere yet since the white blood cells are "steady," but under 2.0. They are about 1.7 The Hg is 9.6 which is nice and I feel pretty energetic when I get enough sleep.

Sleep is elusive some nights. and other nights I sleep like a rock. No matter what drugs, teas, or other routines I try. I have just stocked up on crossword puzzles and work them mindlessly until the body finally gives up.

I have had more nausea in the last 3 weeks which I attributed to the magnesium that was added to my pharmacy. but could be more to it I reckon. (like graft vs. host in my gut)

Today is day 47. Thursday is day 50. Halfway. I still need a 24 hr caregiver. but I can cook. (I'm wondering why my mother asked that question today? Was she sending a message?)

Take care now....


Anonymous said...

Graft Vs. host in the Gut. Graft Vs. host in the liver. Yes you never know where your brother will show up. I hope it all goes well. The fall colors are almost over. It was one of the best this year, I am glad to enjoy it this year. Caroline and Anthony ask more and more about you. They are looking forward to a trip back to KS to see you when you are better. Perhaps we can take a tour of the old west KS when we get back. You were always the best tour guide.
Take care we love you and are happy to see you getting better.

Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo, Walt got the pole position. Where is Janet....

Anonymous said...

They said we'd have some Graft vs. Host. Guess that's just part of it. I have no doubt that your super-gut will win out, and maybe this will help out with the heartburn you've had all these years...oh wait - Walt has that too. :)