Sunday, June 21, 2009

The longest day of the year

Happy Fathers Day everyone.

I gave my father a card that you can record a message on, but the card was damaged so he was greeted by "to record a message, press and hold the button...." He laughed about that, as well as the note that the gift is in the mail.

M&D went out to brunch with Walt and family while I went to the clinic and then my house to read the paper. Mark was here this weekend, staying at my house and we had a good visit. Lots of hugs to get my tank filled.

I start chemo on Tuesday, June 23rd. I have tied up a few loose ends; enough I hope to be able to relax into the treatment plan. I will have chemo Tuesday through Saturday. Sunday is a rest day. The transplant is on Monday. Walt will start taking neupogen shots on Thursday to be ready to donate Monday.

The protocol calls for the antibiotic to continue through the transplant. Other drugs come and go according to the day. It's all laid out on two pieces of paper starting with "day - 6" and going through "d + 40...." And it all happens at the clinic. I will not be in the hospital at all.

I'm aiming to put one foot in front of the other and proceed, same as I've always done. Do what they tell me to do and come out successful.

Hopefully my sense of humor will return once I start treatment. And my sense of calm. And these blog posts will be slightly less dry!



Unknown said...

been a long time since i was in pole position!

Love the story about your Dad's card. My Dad got a photo of a bunny rabbit wearing a tiara with the slogan 'From your princess'!! He was tickled - I think :)

Enjoy today before the chemo begins.

lots of love #2 GOT
WV - gionucca. Sounds like some kind of pasta.

Patty Mahoney said...

You go girl! You are the strongest person I know.
I really enjoyed our visit and hope to have a another soon.
I'm root'n and praying for you along with your million other friends and family.
Enjoy the day before the real fun begins.
FYI the 23rd is Julia's Birthday. Can you believe she is 28 years old. We'll be thinking of you.
See you soon.

gail said...


I have to tell you that every day it is a joy to see your posts and see your sense of humor - even through the down days. You ALWAYS manage to throw in a grin (at least I am grinning - you know I have a few screws loose).

Tomorrow is one day closer to being through the +40 days. Hurrah.

I am sending you bunches of virtual hugs - hopefully I'll be able to be there to give you real ones soon enough!

Sending lots of love and a few grins.


Mags said...

You are doing an awesome job! Today starts your chemo and we're all thinking about you especially during this week! Sending lots of love and thoughts and prayers-Margaret