Thursday, June 18, 2009

T-Day: June 29, 2009

Today I signed the papers.
Dr. Ganguly called me a fighter. "I have seen Cathi fight since she first came in the hospital last year."

A second Reduced Intensity Transplant.
Walt will be the donor but more cells than last time.
Chemo prep will be twice as intense.
Recovery will be 6 months not 100 days.
Protocol will be changed to encourage Walt's cells to kill mine and take over.

Daily clinic visits for months.
I will get the final protocol tomorrow.
Liver counts are still dropping quickly.

I am scared and excited. and tired. I want it all to start right away.

But I am tired, and I did persuade Dr. Ganguly to let me take ambien again. My sleep has been short-circuited lately. So I'm going to take the ambien and crash.



Judy said...

Happy dance! God has answered our prayers again.

Sleep, sweet friend and stay strong.

Unknown said...

Great news - you have a date and a plan. And not too long to think about it.

Your virtual support team will be right with you every step of the way.

Huge hugs and prayers winging their way over the seas. Hope you slept well.

love #2 GOT

Robbie Stanley said...

You've got a date; now you can nail down your strategy for the next couple of weeks to get you through "chemo brain." Great news; let us know what you need your team to do - i.e. our protocol.
Go liver counts!!

BAMc said...

Most optimal plan! You are a fighter! As stated, we are all out here sending positive thoughts and prayers. Hope you enjoyed some uninterrupted zzzzz’s!