Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Yesterday I had a meltdown. I got on the scale at the clinic and it claimed I had lost 6 pounds. I started crying and pretty much didn't stop except when I was sleeping. I have been feeling so tired and just not great that it all came crashing in. I have been diligent about protein drinks and shakes and was confident that my weight would be inching up. I took a bed for the day instead of a recliner and just cried it out. I made an appointment to go back and see the psychologist yesterday afternoon.

So the psychologist marvelled at how far I've come and said I was doing all the right things. I vomited on the way home, and again last night. And the blood work returned a positive for the CMV virus. After a dose of antibiotic last night I felt like a new woman today. Nurse Wendy says the CMV is the reason I felt so low and I think she's right.

The nurses at the clinic knew I was feeling low and they were lined up to give me a hug, tell me I was doing great, don't lose faith. How cool is that? They also universally dissed the scale...the problem is the scale. Weigh on a different one next time.

So from not moving from the chair for a couple of days, I got out and went to the grocery store today. How sweet it was. I bought myself some candy corn to celebrate the season. And some other junk food besides Heniz 57 sauce which I haven't been able to get on Mom's list for several weeks.

The psychologist told me to do everything they tell me I can do. So walk outside, go to the grocery store. The trouble is they give and they take away these privileges. It's hard to know what's okay to do...but the grocery store was fun.

Today the world doesn't look so blue. It's still a very long recovery ahead, but just feeling better makes it easier to climb the stairs. I downloaded an iTunes playlist for a cocktail party. I'm going to see how that makes me feel while walking on the treadmill.



gail said...

{{{{{{{{{ CATHI }}}}}}}}}}

I'm so glad you went to see the psych doc and you got some much needed validation. Your nurses are angels and they are wonderful in the way they are supporting you too.

And I'm glad they figured out that you had a viral infection and were able to get it treated right away.

Then you've got all your friends and family who send you bad jokes and smarmy translations when you're blue.

You know you are part of our lives even when you aren't with us! And we'll be at the Bluegrass Fest in just over a week. Actually, Jason will be there on Sunday the 6th. We'll have the web cam running and you can check in on us whenever you want. I'm thinking we can have more than one camera (now I'm getting way too ambitious).

Sending you hugs, love, and peace.


Mags said...

itunes for a cocktail party?? That sounds wonderful! Everyone has their ups and downs. I know I have my days that I just lay around cry and throw a huge pity party and I am not fighting to keep away the leukemia! So glad to hear that your clinic support was there to help you through the rest of the day yesterday and give you the verbal and motivational support you needed. As always, your blog community is here for you too!


BAMc said...

Well crying releases toxins from the body and triggers the brain to release endorphins that helps us deal with stress.

Here is an interesting article on laughing and crying: http://www.gibbsmagazine.com/CryinLaughing.htm
And another: http://health.howstuffworks.com/human-nature/emotions/other/crying1.htm

And you took charge be seeing the psychologist. In addition you have a great medical support team.

Grocery stores are an amazing thing especially if you are from somewhere that doesn't have grocery stores. Then they must seem miraculous.

The road always has some bumps and tunes help you move on. Keep your spirits up! Remember laughter is also good medicine so work in some time for comedy movies and such.

Unknown said...

Hello Dear
Wish I could be in the line-up to give you a hug too.

Instead, here's a one-liner I hope you won't need to use again...

Nurse: Good morning Mr. Smith, you seem to be coughing much more easily this morning.

Mr. Smith: That’s because I’ve been practicing all night.

Enjoy the Heinz!!
love #2 GOT

Charlene said...


Hilary loves Heinz 57 sauce. She would give me grief when I wouldn't buy it because it was so expensive, and when I did buy a bottle for her she told me she was trying to cut back on eating meat.Enjoy the sauce. Maybe I'll try it on beans.

Love, Charlene

Anonymous said...

Here's my hug! Crying always help! It's one of those unwritten laws. You are doing great. Who would have guessed the grocery store would have been a treat. I actually am looking for ward to my trip this afternoon. I have time to cook now. Angels are all around us. We know that! Yours are extra special.

Walt said...

I am glad that I saw you last night before I read the blog. To bad about that darn scale. I wish they would let me in there to ' give it a fix'. Suzanne says she has six pounds for you...
So your spirits were good Tuesday night and much better than you were on Monday.
Looking forward to football and better days. Walt

wv - derses, An exclamation of exhaustion. As in "derses that scale"