Sunday, July 26, 2009

Back in the "Big House"

Between the clinic and the hospital, insiders call the hospital the Big House and that's where I am again as of yesterday.

I went to the clinic twice on Friday, once for my regular appointment and again in the evening after I spiked a fever. When I went back on Saturday, they were waiting for me. Seems like it took most of the day but we had a verdict of hospital about 1 or 2 pm. The deciding factor was the fever spike Friday night.

So, Dr. McGuirk is the doctor making rounds here right now; he is also the guy who called the shots on Friday and Saturday.

He told me today that he wants to make sure the fluid problem in my pulmonary cavity is not caused by an infection. I'm sure that a literal dozen bags of meds have hung from the IV pole in the last 24 hours. I felt much better this morning than yesterday and walked the halls several times. So I'm in favor of his theory so far.

Yesterday when I came in, [sister] Rhonda brought me while Mom collected my gear at the house. I had her drop me off at the front door with my oxygen bottle so that I could wait for her inside and we could walk up together. However when she got inside I had given up on the idea of walking and she got a wheelchair for me. We loaded me and my stuff in it and I put the oxygen bottle between my legs where I put an IV Pole for transport. WRONG! the wheels of the oxygen dolly were steering as well as the wheels of the chair and we made a few loop de loops in the lobby before figuring it all out.

I will be in here "for a while" to keep a close eye on me (oh how I missed having my vitals checked at midnight and 4am every night.) He also suggested that I cut back my guest list. Since my guest list is pretty dang short I'm pretty sure this was triggered by yesterday's clinic visit which got a little confusing. However, no guests til it's time. I'm not interested in adding H1N1 flu to the already confusing symptoms I have.

I am resting fairly comfortably, thanks to generous pain medication. I am breathing easily but must use oxygen to keep the blood saturation point high enough. Once again I am building strength. The lungs remain the focal point; we want them healthy.

The white count remains high! yippee. The platelets haven't needed transfused for 2 weeks or so. I got red blood today but they tell me that is the last count to rise and take care of itself with donor marrow.

Forgive me for possibly long periods between posts here. I'll try to keep you up to date. The truth is I tend to sleep frequently with all the drugs I'm taking and there is a lot of commotion in my room all the time to get all the drugs delivered.



Walt said...

Pole for Walt. Wahooo
Cathi, keep up the walks. Glad to see you exercising and getting some food down. Take care of the staff in there and heal yourself.

Unknown said...

Hi Cathi
Thanks for posting an update. Of course we understand there may be gaps inbetween updates - we want all your energies focused on getting well. But it is lovely to hear from you and know you're in the best place to get all the healing help you need.

Your description of the oxygen dolly and wheelchair fighting over who got to lead made me smile. Nothing seems to dent your sense of humour!

lots of love #2GOT

Diane said...

Good morning. Checking in. I look forward to all the postings, no matter when they come in. Even when there is nothing new, I read the old ones. Just makes me feel a little closer. I'm surprised an orderly didn't come rescue you from the chair - it was probably more fun to watch.

BAMc said...


You are on the right track. Focus on you and the healing process. Pace yourself and throttle up as you progress.

Didn't Elvis have a song called "Dancing to the Big House Rock?

No worries on the post-al rates. For now; relax, rest, and recover.

gail said...

So good to see your sense of humor at the midnight & 4 a.m. "feedings". haha.

Keep all the staff on their toes - especially Minnesota Beth. She cracks me up. Oofdah.

here's the appropriate WV today: niderses. Noun. Night nurses with stuffy noses.

Sending lots of hugs as always and even more love.
