Monday, July 6, 2009

Happy Birthday Walt!

Today Walt turned 42. On the 4th of July Mark turned 25. And on the 29th June I started a new life. So we have three birthdays to celebrate in this one week from now on. Another moment of serendipity tonight, on the south side of the hospital, a curtain of rainbows. I am fortunate to be on the 4th floor, high enough to see the colorful sky over the trees.

I have some photos to post this evening from transplant day. The good news/bad news is that I am in pain. Everything hurts except my head. I have a lot of different drugs and I hope that they continue to bring at least little moments of relief. I have mouth sores. I am puffed up like a toad with water retention. And I have high blood pressure which has everyone here stunned. My normal BP is about 90 over 60. However, I did not vomit yesterday or today, even when I ate a meal.

I complained to Dr. A this morning that the hospital wakes me up when I finally do get to sleep at night and his remark was "we need to get you home but your counts must come up a little bit." I reminded him that I was keeping down my meals but he said that wasn't enough. Sigh. The nurses have been very helpful but they all say I have a few more days of this. So enough of this--check out the photo album.

Can it be that Walt is sleeping through this exciting procedure?

Cousin Sara and sis-in-law Suzanne standing watch in the Apheresis Lab.

A happy group just about ready for those cells. That's Mom and Dad behind me.
Me and my special birthday stem cells in my special pajamas. "Life is Good"


Walt said...

Pole position for Walt.. Cheers
The transplant went OK for me, they say the bone pain is only side effect, but after not sleeping for two days(again). I am not buying it, I think they added something to my shots...
The transplant day started out beutifully with a 'Good Luck' note from Janet, and a reminder that the eldest always wins, except this time.
Cathi great talking to you today. Hoping for more cofee and the morning paper with you. Love always, Walt

gail said...

Lots of very happy birthdays! 2 years ago today we were all hanging out in your backyard while Walt enjoyed a John Deere-carved watermelon injected with lots of alcohol. Not that anyone has any photos of that or anything. :)

I'm glad you are keeping food down; but hope that your blood pressure & swelling come down soon as well.

Sending lots of hugs & love.


Unknown said...

Great photos - love the Life is Good jimjams.

Yep, Walt and I agreed on T-day that on this occasion the youngest sibling has to come out on top! So the Battle of the Cells (or should that be Snells?!?) continues.

lots of love
#2 GOT

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I'm focusing on the Wrong Prayers. Just keeping your food down isn't in itself going to cut it. I'll broaden them somewhat in the near future.

In the meantime, got a call from Tom and Paul from some island they were on last night. They were making excellent time, and the crew they met coming off the trip were one discouraged Crew. It Rained the Entire time they were on the waters. Luckily, Tom said it had purged whatever was in it's system and they'd had 6 glorious days on the waters. Tonight they are supposed to be near civilization and they drive home half of tomorrow and Thursday.

They said they'd love nothing more than to come share their adventures with you once they return and ONCE you return from this hospital visit!


Robbie Stanley said...

Hey out there,
I'm back in Vermont, rainy and going down to 50 tonight but it's home. Thanks for posting all the pics; I hope you're feeling more comfortable very soon but I hope the anti-throw-up drugs continue to work. One day at a time, as always. Happy birthday to Walt and Mark and YOU!