Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Truly a DOG Day

Conor reporting briefly tonight...
Medically it wasn't a positive or negative day, but it was more dog than hydrant today (more later). There are no results from yesterday's endoscopy which was targeted to determine why Mom's vommiting - either a virus or (hopefully) graft vs. host disease. The positive is there aren't bad results in that area. In another attempt to reduce the vommiting, her meds were changed substantially.

They're doing a bone marrow biopsy so stay tuned for those results. Hopefully now that we're 30+ days out we'll get some good numbers.

The big reason it's a dog day is we got bad news regarding our beloved Hayward. His liver is not functioning properly and they think he may have to be put down tomorrow. Needless to say the past 12+ years with him in the house have been amazing.

I personally have to say I never perceived my mom as a dog person prior to Hayward. Then she got him for Mark and quickly trained him into one of the most well-trained dogs around. For those that don't remember the final straw to getting Hayward, mom fell and cracked her tailbone on some ice one morning while going to get the paper. That was it - she needed a dog to get her paper. And Hayward did that daily for years. He would even seem lost in the morning until he had served his morning purpose!

If this is the end, we'll miss you buddy. Here are a couple of Christmas 07 pics with Hayward being Hayward - licking the dishes and chewing a bone at the top of the stairs (candy cane-shaped in this case).


gail said...

Oh dear. I am sending you all (Cathi, Conor & Mark) lots of hugs and love. I am so sorry to hear about Hayward. He is a member of the family and has supported you so much through the years. I know how much you will miss him. I'm so sorry.

Sending you extra special hugs and love tonight.


Unknown said...

All I can do is echo Gail who summed up Hayward perfectly. He's played a very important role in the Maynard household for so many years and some of Hayward's antics are the stuff of legend.

My heart goes out to all of you. Sending lots of love and hugs.
#2 GOT

wv: winie

Robbie Stanley said...

Hayward was the best-trained dog I ever met. One example, Hayward is the only dog I know who could actually fetch the paper. My dogs hated when I came home from a visit and would go on and on about the amazing things Hayward could do. It was Hayward this and Hayward that for days afterward. I'd be all "Be A Bear!" and "Put Your Dish Away!" and my dogs would just sit and pretend they didn't get it.

But, of course, it isn't all Hayward's natural talent, although I'm sure he has it in spades. He was trained by a master; I have no idea how even though I've had dogs all my life. Just another of your many impressive abilities, Cathi.

Walt said...

Sorry to hear about Hayward. Such a beutiful dog. Always enjoyed the tail that wagged the Dog. There is not much more to say about a dog and his master. Definately the best trained dog I have known.

Keep it up, there will be better days. Sending you extra karma from Minnesootah. Take care of yourself and keep posting.
Lots of Love, Walt

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about Hayward. He's a life dog, will always be there in your family. Big hugs to you all as you get through this. And another hug to Cathi just 'cause we're thinking of you.

Now I'm going to go hug Mable and take her for an extra long walk...
