Monday, October 6, 2008

30 days til chocolate tastes good again

I like that count much better than Day 12, etc. Nothing really tastes good right now and chocolate doesn't even feel good in my mouth. How weird is that? Don't you think they should list that as a side effect "may lose taste for chocolate"?

News today is "My joints hurt"--that's the bone marrow working.
"Ridges inside my mouth"--mild graft vs. host
Platelets are up. They are the first to go up in a mini-transplant. I'm just tickled they never dropped below the sponge on a stick level.

and more magnesium. A body requires magnesium to keep the organs in sync with each other. And it must be delivered slowly so that the heart doesn't react to it. It comes in pill form but think "milk of magnesia" and that is why I don't take the pills.

The sender of the gifts owned up...thank you Diane. She told me they came with chocolate that made two trips between KC and Houston in August. The chocolate did not make it through the travel.

I feel sharper today which doesn't seem to translate to more energetic. It's probably a good day to have a Scrabble challenge.

But first, another protein shake.


Mags said...

Although the chocolate is definitely a bummer...the grafting news is definitely good! Things are happening!

Sounds like you are still pretty sharp to be beating Aunt Janice in Scrabble! She's going to go back to her preschoolers and have a vocabulary they are not going to understand :)

Hope you have a restful night!


gail said...

You sound so upbeat today - which I cannot figure out since chocolate is not tasting so good - that is a major bummer! (big grin)

30 days to Chocolate. That is a great way to count the time. Yea!!

Sending hugs & a craving for chocolate! :)

love, gail

Anonymous said...

I love that they are keeping you fully informed about all that's going on and have a positive response to all the negatives; i.e. "ridges in the mouth"--mild graft vs host. Why isn't there a positive response to "loses taste for chocolate?"

Sharp is great even if energy is still low - just keep up the great work.

Although we can't come to visit, on November 5 (30 days from now) we will all have a good dose of chocolate in your honor!

Looking forward to visiting again.

Love ya.

Unknown said...

Have you ever tried chili-flavoured chocolate? Now there's something to look forward to, it has a definite kick to it. If you can't find some let me know and I'll post some to you for the 30-day mark. Unless your 'nil spice by mouth' is still ongoing...

Delighted to hear that aching joints and mouth ridges are good signs!

love #2 GOT

Robbie Stanley said...

Hey there,
Just heard on this morning's Today Show:
Did you hear about the tractor that ran away from the farmer?
It sent him a John Deere letter!
Oh well; I thought it was funny, but it's early - I could use some chili chocolate.
Hope you have your engraftment cooking this morning!
Love, Robbie