Thursday, October 30, 2008

My end of the see-saw goes up

Visited the clinic today and the counts are up. As if they were never down in fact. They are recovered and then increased. I may have mentioned before that the Hg is now in the range where I have been operating for the last 11-12 years so I'm feeling energetic and maybe a little ADD.

My reaction today is one of relief more than exuberance. I am pleased to have guest privileges back and mall walking privileges. Still no eating out or movies. But what I really want to do is have a really long browse through the tile samples at Lowe's or Home Depot to choose some for my house. But that isn't authorized either.

Here are the rules for guests. Not sick (I know...a no-brainer) and not been sick for 3 days. And not exposed to any sick person for 3 days. No children under 12 (not my own but that's moot.) So if your kids are sick, that renders you inelgible darnit. Be clean. Like showered with clean clothes if possible. I'm plotting a post for myself in a front window away from the door to watch the Trick or Treaters tomorrow night.

I have not had any blood products or chemistry through IV for several weeks now. I still visit the clinic twice a week to have blood drawn. But as soon as it goes to once a week, I think the PICC line will come out.

I'm not going to list any current projects...see note about ADD above.

We are on Day 36 of the 100 days. 1/3 of the way through.



Robbie Stanley said...

Hey there,
One third through; it's a milestone (limestone??) - celebrate! Thanks for the update - all sounds good. Have fun tonight watching trick-or-treaters.
Love, Robbie

Unknown said...

Hi Cathi
Great to hear the counts are going in the right direction again. I read that stores have sold out of Amy Winehouse wigs and Sarah Palin masks for tonight's festivities - watch out for them, should be a weird combination!
love #2 GOT

Anonymous said...


Keep on keeping on! Your attitude (or is it altitude) is great!