Friday, July 25, 2008

Thurs, 7.24 - Almost Two Weeks

Today was not nearly as eventful as yesterday.

- Medical: Good
- Physical: Tough
- Mental: Good

Mom continues to struggle to stay awake and her overall physical feelings. We spoke earlier today and she did repeat that she's got the lungs of a competitive swimmer, which of course made me laugh and smile. I did get a picture of her breakfast today - an orange popsicle.

The doctors said she was doing pretty decent this morning after continued up and down fevers that make it tough to sleep. We've all woken up with the sweaty shirt and it's just brutal to get back to sleep. I can only imagine the volume of clothes she's gone through this week as the fever was just beginning last weekend while I was there.

There was a bit of a scare this evening as she had some short, rapid breathing the doctors termed a 'panic attack.' Apparently the oxygen mask Mom is wearing interferes with her hearing aids and makes a hissing noise that combined with being asleep really rattled her. She was disoriented when a team of personnel came into the room. And having seen her wake up many times through my life in a somewhat dazed state, I can only imagine how dazed she was to see that. It was more worry than it was, and I've been assured she's sleeping peacefully as I type this.

I'll be back onsite tomorrow by early afternoon and will post more then. Pictures would be good, but I'll make a judgement call as I fully expect to see someone that looks pretty sick. And we all know she doesn't want too many people to get any hint of her being down!


Robbie Stanley said...

Good Morning, Cathi. I've got the pole position this morning. Looks like those Brits are sleeping in now that they're in the local time zone! Although it's so early I can't think to write...
Two tough weeks are nearly over! Hang in there today; you're doing so amazing well.

Unknown said...

Hello Cathi
Bother - overtaken by Robbie!! Still, I'm so glad to be in your time zone and it was wonderful to see you yesterday. Your sense of humour is on top form as ever, and your resolution to beat this shines like an aura. I'm so proud of you, mate.
love Janet xo

Anonymous said...

Morning Cathi,
I talked with Robbie last night & while she's here we were thinking we should start planning a celebration trip for when you're back on your feet. Something to look forward to when this is all in the past.
I've left a couple of emails on your regular email but I don't know if you've been checking it.
Wishing you "well".

gail said...


As you probably already know, I'm not getting on a plane on Saturday to visit you. The risk is just too great with that lovely mold you picked up most likely hanging out with the cowboy crowd at the stables when you were here.

For those that don't know, Cathi also went horseback riding while in Colorado. It wasn't enough to use the zip line, but she also got to do some wrangling.

As I understand it (and consider the source) he mold that MIGHT be causing some of her wheeziness is found only in Colorado & Arizona.

I am now considered a huge risk since it is possible I can be a carrier (clothes, aura, whatever).

Please know that my entire tennis team, my company (all 3 of us), my band, the cantor and the rabbi, and as of Saturday morning, every member of the synagogue will be sending prayers and good wishes for your PROMPT recovery from the Colorado environment. Oy - can we please not let the media get wind of this? There might be some negative ripple effect to the DNC folks as they finalize the set-up for the Conference in August. Darn it.

We love you so much.

Gail & Ben

brianmargaret said...

Hi Cathi,
In Janet's email to us she tells us she was thrilled to spend time with you yesterday. We have just had 3 days in the Cotswolds and had forgotten what a pretty corner of England it is. You must persuade Janet to take you there next time you are in the UK.
You are an inspiration Cathi.
All our love & good wishes from
Janet's Ma & Pa XX

Anonymous said...


I've been thinking about you on this early Friday afternoon at the WG offices, and would have come by to visit, but understand there are only family members with you today. I wanted to wish you a speedy recovery and send the office's wishes of good will. We are all thinking of you.

I figured you'd also be impressed that, given my computer skills, I'm actually blogging, which I've never done before. (OK, Pat supervised.)

When you're out, you can stop by the house for another Scottish beer and tamper some more with our computer.

Best to you, Mary Jo

Unknown said...

Your 02 Sats didn't get better? Still on oxygen? Do they have a guess how long you'll be on oxygen?

Just read Gail's they really have identified the invader? So, I guess that is good news. Do they have a new course of treatment? DEB

gail said...

My apologies for any confusion...
I didn't mean to imply that they have definitively identified the bugs that Cathi has. There was apparently some kind of test on something (not sure what / where) that identified one bugger as coming only from Colorado or Arizona. Whether or not it is the cause or contributor to the lung thing is yet to be determined. Hence, the ban on us folks residing in the wild wild west.

I will wait until Conor checks in here before I put my already big feet even further into my mouth. :)