Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sun, 7.27 - Day 2 in ICU

Day 2 in the ICU was much better than the past few days. First, a WBC and Leukemia update. We hit a WBC level of 0.1 today - which was the initial target. That's great news. The doctors believe we were successful against the Leukemia. They went ahead and sent some blood samples off to see if they can confirm the Leukemia cells are gone. She's due another bone marrow biopsy to really confirm and analyze, but that will not happen until she improves a little more. It originally was scheduled for yesterday then due to doctor availability and her move to the ICU, they said possibly Monday. I would surprised if tomorrow's the day. But again - there is no rush on this as they think the Leukemia is gone. The biopsy will verify all leukemia cancers in her marrow are gone. Then another will be done in the future to evaluate good marrow is growing back

Now back to the challenge at hand.

- Mental: Good
- Physical: Tough
- Medical: Better

Today was better from the get-go as Mom slept much better through the night last night on the elevated Oxygen and ICU care. She did have some feverish issues, but nothing like the previous two nights where it was a constant roller coaster of hot - cold - repeat cycle. You could tell when Annie and I got there early this morning on our way out of town.

The rest of the day was rather uneventful from a Medical perspective. Abyankar came in and thought there was a possibility of getting her out, but concluded by the time the day was over that another day or two in there would do her good. Ultimately it's a conservative approach ensuring that her fever and oxygen levels continue to progress. They do think that a couple of the times she was given platelets that it caused her fever to elevate. And really she's just not there physically.

I continue to wish there was an update on the lung issues, but there's not a real clear one. The chest X-Ray showed additional fluid in her lungs this morning. But through a stethoscope she sounded improved in the morning. And when she felt short on air this afternoon, they said she sounded better than she did earlier today. So we continue to wonder what the damn thing is.

One issue we learned today is all the drugs she's getting are interfering with a good speutum culture. Hopefully we'll get some more clarity tomorrow, but don't hold your breath. For now be grateful the doctors aren't alarmed. Additionally as her white blood cells rebound and begin to rebuild she'll be able to fight the infection herself. Now wouldn't that be something - Mom's body could help beat something medicine hasn't fully yet...anybody surprised by that???

Physically she's not able to do much so there's still progress to be made. When she attempted to negotiate her way out of there, and the Nurse Practitioner asked if she could walk around her bed. She realized she would need to do more on her own outside of ICU so she agreed.

However she did keep some food down today (1/2 an orange and some iced OJ). They're looking at different nausea drugs that will help with food consumption and don't induce drowsiness.

Mentally she's doing pretty well. She doesn't want to be alone so there's a rotation of close family (Mom, Sisters, Walt, Me / Annie, and on Wednesday Mark). Janice especially has been a trooper staying the last 2 nights with her and will tonight as well. We honestly don't talk much though. It's just listening and ensuring she does not try to talk too much and lets herself sleep when it beckons.

I should point out that she's made such an impression on the nurses down in Unit 41 that they keep hoping for her back, and several have talked about and / or attempted to stop up and say hello. That's Mom - still making connections and leaving a lasting impression on everyone she comes into contact with!

That's it for now. Hopefully everyone has a great week!


Anonymous said...


You're an amazing force to be reckoned with and an absolute inspiration to us. Use your unbelievable personal and emotional strength...and kick Leukemia's tail.

In our prayers,

Lauren and Margie Smith
San Diego, CA

gail said...

Another day stronger! yea!!!!!

Cathi, you are incredible!

We love you. Sending all sorts of prayers and karma from Colorado.

gail (& Ben as he starts packing for Israel)

Robbie Stanley said...

Yay! It was good to read some positive news. I know there are still woods to be got through but today I will focus on the upsides -- you kept some food down, had a good sleep...all good. Relax and enjoy your time in the hi-tech spa room before you have to hit the bike again.
Love and hugs,

Mags said...

So glad to hear things are going a little better in ICU for you! You are amazingly strong and willful! Keep at it...the break and good news you deserve is coming soon!


Anonymous said...


As I read the post today I couldn't help but think that you are educating all of us. Paving the way in the event one of us should be taken on the same path you are. It is comforting to know how much information you have already been given and are able to relay. You are showing all of us how to beat this thing, and how to beat it like a lady! You go girl!

I have to say one of the highlights of my day is reading the blog to see what is new, what I can continue to pray for, and then of course, the Cathi-isms, gotta love it!



Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
I can blog again hooray!!! I can't type on that BB to save my soul, have enough trouble just typing on the computer keyboard. I love your hair cut but now I have a little more than hair than you. You know how competitive I am. It was great to meet Conor and Annie, nice to get to know them a little after all these years. Trip back to Ohio was unevenful, warm and sunny the whole way, got about 50 miles to the gallon on the way home. Gas prices in Ohio about 20 cents cheaper than the rest of our travels.

Hang in there, Love Ya

Third Girl on tour.

Unknown said...

Hi Cathi
Here's the other Girl on Tour checking in! Nice to read all the positive stuff, just need to beat this mysterious thing that's taken up illegal residence in your lungs - tell it to get out!

I landed at 10am this morning. Steve whisked me to the office so I could approve payroll (with 26 employees this is now my MOST important role!) and I'm now off to join you in snooze-land.

I brought the sunshine back to England with me. You keep your inner sunshine radiating through you.

love Janet xo

Unknown said...

Cathi -

I just caught up with all the blog posts and know you're going to keep getting stronger. Keep it up! We're thinking of you in the Windy City,

Matt & Layney

Anonymous said...

Cathi: Had a visit with Jim Hardy this afternoon. He said to tell you hello. He told me that the date you 2 had, a very long time ago in a previous life, was the most fun date he's ever had since.

Sara Beth said...

Dear Cathi, as I type this note, my newest family member 'Izzy B.' (short for Isabella Beatrice) the kitten is chasing a cornstalk around my feet.

I love reading the blog and posts and especially agree with Cheryl's post today. This truly is an education for me. I recall other acquaintences going thru similar treatments, but none of them were able to share the medical and emotional information as you are, especially not in real time.

The wonders of internet. Thank you for sharing and allowing us to feel as though we're right there with you. I love you.


Anonymous said...


Well tonight Bill and I along with Kathryn are going to do a bit of training on School Night. Wish you were going to be there to show us how to do it right! I think we have it under control and we'll make you proud. I look forward to us once again walking the trails of Osceola and Klassen.

You'll beat this if anyone can.

Warmest regards