Monday, July 21, 2008

Mon, 7.21 - Fever and 'Stranded' Day


Per yesterday's post, here's a rating on today:

- Emotional: Good. Not overly positive, but that's not a bad thing. It was a very mentally strong day that we love about Mom.
- Physical: Average. Primarily due to carrying a fever the majority of the day and other things tied to the emotional rating.
- Medical: Good. Ganguly gave nothing to indicate negativity, but Mom mentioned he sounded distracted.

WBC: 0.5
Hemoglobin: 6.9


It looks like some additional people were able to post to the blog, which is great. If other people are having problems then please let me know. I want as many people to be enabled for posting as possible.

Not a lot of food was kept down today. First it was Kodee (nurse the past couple of days) who would not give Mom her heartburn medication. For some reason, her file noted she had it already. Instead Kodee gave her Maalox. That didn't help keep the breakfast down, and instead helped her get rid of it. Then later on in the day she got sick again trying to keep a meal.

Ganguly came in today w/ his crew as Mom calls them, and one of them picked up her sinus irrigation bottle. He asked Mom what it was. She told him what it was before he told her she was only to use things they gave her. She reluctantly agreed. One thing she's been is a model patient that always listens to what they say and will keep anyone in line that strays.

Shortly thereafter she was taken down for a chest X-ray. She commented the folks that took her down were not slim, and they did decided not to put a mask on her. Then they wheeled her down and left her outside of the X-ray room (mind you with multiple people walking around that I'm sure were less clean than those of us just visiting her) for about 10 minutes prior to the technician coming out to get her. Needless to say she was a little frustrated. Eventually she got done and asked for a glass of water. Well one thing I don't think I've mentioned is they measure everything in and out. So the technician of course made a production out of needing to check if she could have water, etc. Without going into great detail about how she offered to help the technician in this conundrum, Mom ended up without the water and went back to her room.

After being left in the hallway, she asked Kodee what the best plan was to avoid that. Kodee said she should have someone go with her. We will definitely be accompanying her to all X-rays and scans as Mari went to the CT scan later in the day, and everything went much smoother.

The afternoon also brought a visit by a sinus technician after Ganguly mentioned her sinuses looked irritated. She asked mom if she ever irrigated her sinuses. Well that conversation led to of course the recap of what Dr. Ganguly had said earlier (regarding the sinus irrigation and subsequent disposal of it). The technician promised to set him straight and return the irrigation so looks like Captain Cathi may soon become Dr. Cathi.

Hopefully the recap gives everyone a clearer picture of what I meant by her emotional state not necessarily being positive, but definitely good. She really does a great job of focusing on what they say to her, give her for medication, etc, and it helps her feel more in control - not to meniton (in my own opinion) keeping her sharp mentally. I'm a firm believer that sick or not, if you do not require your brain to work then it will become lazy. So I'm very proud of her utilizing that noodle for managing her medical care!

I will try to get more pictures on here in the coming days. I know you all could use them.


Mags said...

Janet I'm assuming you are in the air so I am going to steal your first post position! :)

Glad that Mari was there with you today..especially for the CT scan! Sounds like a very frustrating situations today...I'm sure you made the very best of them though!

Dr. Cathi Maynard...that sure does have a nice ring to it! :)

NWA kindly returned my luggage to me today at 5pm...just in time for me to head back to KC in the early morning!

Training left a lot to be desired and gave me a lot of evidence of the theories I had about their research here at University of Michigan going in to this training. I will send an email about it to keep your noodle exercised :)

Hope you have a wonderful day Dr. Maynard!!!


Anonymous said...

I am so excited. This is the closest I have come to being the first comment! Usually I am way down a the bottom of the posts.

Regarding Margarets post and the whole U of M thing. I would love to hear more as that is Maddie's favorite school. Luckily she is just turing 11 in two days so I have a few years before we have to pin anything down. I live 45 minutes south of Ann Arbor and Toledo is split between Ohio State and University of Michigan. It is a pretty fierce rivalry making for some pretty heated and interesting games.

I am not sure what to say about your day, Cathi. From all of the precautions they have mentioned to you for people on the outside to keep illnesses out you would think that they would require the same from patients inside so that they would keep illnesses to themselves. This is not a time for sharing.

I am very exicted though that you have gotten your nasal syringe back. I have experience with those things. They were actually invented for torturing newborns and babies if I am not mistaken.

A thought just popped into my head that unless you have days like yesterday can you really enjoy the best days!

I love you. Virtual Hug,


gail said...

Darn it! I thought I would be the first one to post this morning but being an hour "behind" you doesn't help haha.

Conor's status reports are wonderful. It is so nice to get a well-rounded picture of where you are in the process of getting well. The ups and downs are to be expected, most definitely, but you, my dear, have the most amazing ability to stay focused on the important stuff. I have always taken inspiration from you for your "get it done" attitude. Good grief - you fed a million boyscouts earlier this year with nothing but a couple of tools and a couple of ingredients (at least that is what I remember from your stories from the field)! LOL.

And more of the mundane life I lead...

We are making progress on getting the last of the painting finished on my house. It only took 3 tries to find the right can of paint for the candle-glow yellow in the family room (I must have bought a bunch of colors to try out and they are each getting tried again). Ben got the door off the kitchen painted a much lighter shade of tan. No more excruciatingly hot door from the sun beating down on the chocolate brown. What were the previous owners thinking? (and what was I thinking for the last 7 years since I've owned this house??)

Ben will be awaiting the sprinkler repair guy today. We discovered the sprinkler was yet again leaking through the main valve in the backyard. Same spot that was fixed a month ago only this time we figured out there was a leak when the water began seeping through the basement wall. I really hate when that happens. Some touch up paint (hopefully) will fix the inside. I don't know how we'll fix the water bill. Last month's bill was 6 times the normal bill following the first leak. I don't know how long it has been leaking this time. I am afraid to find out. I've asked the sprinkler company for some help since they supposedly fixed it last time. We'll see how generous they are today. And what sort of mood I'm in when they tell me their work is guaranteed again.

Enough of my trials and tribulations of home-owning.

I hope you have an incredibly easy and positive day, Cathi.

We love you. Sending big hugs to you.

-gail (& Ben)

Anonymous said...

Sorry about trip to the X-Ray yesterday. Maybe when I come back I can beat up someone for you??? hehehehehe. Just kidding, it is that child in me. Besides you have Robin back today. I am quite confident that Robin would be much more profecient in doing anyone that needs to be 'Taken Care Of'. Did Robin say how her show went this past weekend. I feel much better with her in their. Weather is nice in NH,
Jasmine our dog was excited to see me and would not stop bouncing for two hours last night as we played. Hope you got your StarBucks and paper yesterday and today. Keep up your routine and enjoy your visits this week. Walt

ChuckJanice said...

Just checking in from the germ factory (that's the medical code name for elementary schools). We are devising a plan for me to take a week off while I'm still working half-days so that I can come up and see you (the last half of that week). Gotta check in with Walt to make sure we are not doubling up on you!
Chuck is home from Connecticut and except for a short trip to Maine should be home for a while. Now we have to figure out how to afford to get him to work every day! Anyone considering getting a motorcycle for cheap transportation, think small--250 or so--to get the real mpg advantage.
This is fair week in Bourbon County. Our CMA chapter has a booth at the fair so I'm out there most evenings this week. Lovely smell! The weather should break later in the week--drop back to the lower 90's. I'm looking forward to that.
Miss you. Wish I could be there right now. Consider yourself hugged! And echuckjanice@ccebridge.netnjoy your visit with Janet! Love, Janice

Anonymous said...

Cathi, seeing you had a post frum Steve English brought back some memories, huh? It had to be scary and frustrating yesterday when you were parked in the hall and people were walking by you and each a potential carrier. But I know that's when your prayers and those said for you took over. Have an exceptional day today.
Steve Maynard

Liz said...

Happy Tuesday!
It's been busy here in Cincinnati since I got home from New York. Sunday we went to the Dayton Air Show with the kids. Nicole had a great time watching all the planes, but Adam was spooked by the loud military jets. We got to see the F-22 Raptor, which was awesome. I think what bothered Adam was that you could see the plane speed by, but the noise from the engines was pretty delayed - and VERY loud. It was cool when the plane went into after-burner. You could see the flames shooting out the tail of the plane! We took some video; we'll see if we can get it posted to youtube or something so everyone can see.

Last night Andres & I went to see The Dark Knight (the latest Batman movie). Heath Ledger played the Joker, and was pretty creepy. The movie was much longer than we expected… it was over 2.5 hours! But for as long as it was, we didn’t ever get bored; the movie did a good job of keeping us interested.

Thinking of you-
Liz, Andres, Adam & Nicole

Anonymous said...

Good morning Cathi,
I'm not usually able to post in the morning but I'm sitting waiting whie Matthew gets his wisdom teeth out. Fun for all.

As you know.Matthew is working toward being an Eagle scout, with constant cattle-prodding from me, He announced last night that he has, at long last, figured out his project, He needs to wait for the comm center to hire a new manager but they are interested in his idea, He just turned 17 last week so there's time,

Love and hugs.

Linda said...

My prediction is that today is going to go much better than yesterday. Why, because your technology challenged friend (me - how well you know that) just figured out how to post this to you. You've been in my thoughts and prayers but I couldn't tell you. Now I can. All is well here, Sam leaves for Alaska Thursday. You'll need to teach how to cope with my empty nest come August. Lots of Hugs

Patty Mahoney said...

Good Morning Cathi,
Just returned from Houston. Was giving my sister a break. My Dad is back on Chemo, but not doing as well as you. A little weak, but he is stuborn and will get through this also. Crystal (my sister in law) has flipped her wig, since her chemo treatment. She has given me the cutest little brown short haired wig to give to you. She never wore that one, so it's new. A Sophia Lorenz line. I will try and make arrangemnts with Peggy when I can come visit. My prayers and daily thoughts are with you and I know you are going to beat this and we'll be drinking wine soon.
Only wish I was across the street again to check on you everyday.
Hang in there girlfriend.
See you Soon

Anonymous said...

Walt here again.
I am a match! Wahoo!
Do a little dance. Make a little love. Get down tonight!

Anonymous said...

Yeah Walt, Yeah Cathi!! Exciting news. That 14 year gap will be closing up. Love you Lori

Sara Beth said...

Awesome news Walt! Doin' a big dance here!

Cathi, remember that wig Liz brought to your New Years eve party a few years back? I know you don't want to wear it, but i can provide you with photo's of Walt wearing it. It's good for a smile or two.


suzanne said...

I would love to see you, and am praying for you. The kids gave a big YAHOO when they heard Walt was a match. They ask about you every day. We found The Dangerous and Daring Exhibit for Kids on your counter and I think we are going to go. The kids recognized the writing and colors right away. The both have the books and love them. We will take pictures. Good night. Sweet Dreams.

suzanne said...

Every night when we get back to your house the kids pull out the battery powered wine glasses, the stems glow different colors, and turn out all the lights. Anthony sits with milk and Caroline with OJ or blueberries and sit in the dark with the glowing glasses.