Monday, July 28, 2008

Mon, 7.28 - Pneumonia and WBCs

Today was nothing short of eventful. I'm back in KC after one night in Chicago. Initially I thought I'd let those of you reading regularly down by not understanding and posting things correctly, but really we just got more clarity from Ganguly this morning. The lung issue is basically pneumonia.

It has not gotten worse than it was. However it hasn't gotten better either. And that's what we need to have happen. We need to see some improvement over the next few days to set us on the road to positive health and a bone marrow transplant. She needs to be 100% healthy before they can do it. Thus Mark and I are rallying around her as are all of her siblings and parents to help in the fight.

The challenge is people with myelodysplasia (Mom's pre-existing anemic condition) take longer to regrow their white blood cells during this part of the treatment. Doctors are pretty dang sure the leukemeia's 'licked' as Mom says. But we need the bone marrow to regrow and produce some WBCs to kick pneumonia's butt. So she and I are doing a lot of visualizing and praying for new white blood cells tonight. Can I get a W-B-C?! And we're doing the same for elimination of the pneumonia...every breathe more leaves.

As I was typing this, I did get confirmation that her WBCs were up to 0.4 today. That's a good sign. We just need it to trend up and not dip back down as it possibly could. The funny thing I just realized is it's ironic that the Cubs wave a white flag with a blue 'W' on it for a win. It sounds like just the decoration for her room.

Back to Mom. She did show signs of improvement this afternoon by requiring less oxygen (60%) than she had earlier in the day. And while she upgraded machines from a CPap to a BiPap, she went back to the CPap for a bit. Now she's resting comfortably with the BiPap on. The difference between the two is how tightly the mask is held onto her face. The BiPap has straps across the top and both sides that are of a cloth material. It's also pressurized to her face, forcing the lungs to open up a bit more than she might get them to open. And the CPap basically has a plastic strap that goes around your head similar to a construction mask you'd buy at the hardware store. The nurse refers to it as more of a 'blower'.

In closing, I want to ask everyone to keep upbeat as we hope for an improvement in the near future. We need the prayers and positive vibes more than ever!


Unknown said...

Good morning Cathi
I can see those WBCs popping out and multiplying as I type. Big, fat healthy ones that are going to send the pneumonia packing.

Keep strong and focused - and know you've got a huge cheerleading team right behind you.

love Janet xo

Anonymous said...

"Lets go WBC's - lets go - (clap, clap, clap. Squash those pne's - Let's go!" (clap, clap, clap) The kids and I are going to march around the house with this mantra today. Anyone care to join us?

We spent the day at Cedar Point celebrating Maddie's 11th birthday. Four 11 year olds riding major rollercoasters. You must know I developed a migraine!

Looking back I remember being about Maddie's age, a year younger maybe when Conor was born. I remember seeing you with this little baby at Grandma and Grandpa Snell's house. Good times! Now look at your baby - he's having a baby! Time has literally flown.

Be good to those WBC's and fight off those pne's.

Love you,


gail said...

Good morning, Cathi!

There is some joke that I am reminded of right now (I'm thinking Nancy told it to me so blame her)... Inhale: goood in; exhale: bad out! Okay - my sense of humor just ain't up to yours. harhar.

Am so excited to hear that the leukemia could be gone. That is wonderful news!!!! Your body only has to concentrate on the WBCs and sounds like you are on that road already. Woohooo.

It is a beautiful day today. Ben is finishing cleaning the garage. When I got home from work yesterday, the drive was covered with the "dumpster" pile, the "keep" pile and the "what do we do with it?" pile. Gotta love HGTV.

All the tools are organized. I never thought that would happen. You can never have too many tools. Shelving along one wall that has everything organized.

He even sorted all the wood left over from previous projects. Actually, I think the project started when he was looking for a couple pieces of shoe molding to finish the flooring job he started 4 years ago. And it turned into Organize Mom's Garage. I'm going to have to wait for the storage shed until next spring, but maybe I won't need it now...

Give Mark a big hug from Ben and me. We are thinking of him a lot too.

Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers and love.

-gail & the Ben kid.

Mags said...

Good morning!

I hope you had a somewhat restful night. Very exciting news about the white blood cells...we're praying like crazy over here in Kentucky for new healthy ones to come up quickly!

I know you are being are kicking butt at it! Keep it up and know that we're all behind you 100% of the way!


Anonymous said...

Hey Number One Girl on Tour,
You get this designation since you have organized them all so far but next year is Italy and we are making Janet do all the work so you better kick that pneumonia's butt so we can harass her when anything goes wrong such as rain in the tent or when the hotel has lost our luggage.
Rick Laura and Emma are in France as I write this they are taking a much needed vacation and are then going onto Spain to spend time with Laura's Aunt,Uncle and cousins who have rented a house for them all to stay at. Emma has become a world traveler.

Take care of your self and keep fighting.

Love Ya

Robbie Stanley said...

Hey Cathi,

I'm joining Janet and Cheryl in the WBC cheerleading team:
What do we want?
What do we need?
Big Fat Healthy Ones!

Ok; it still needs some work but I'll be chanting it all day!

Linda said...

Cathi, I can't be there to have lunch with you but I can send some seriously good vibes your way. H e r e .... they come .....


Love and prayers. Linda


Mike said...


Glad to hear the good news that the leukemia could be gone. WOW, Double WOW. Triple WOW.

I am anxious to come visit you and make use of that deck of cards you said you had. Let me know when you are up for a game of Gin Rummy. I am just worried that being you have that card deck with you for so long, have you figued out a way to mark the deck? Maybe I should bring my own (marked) deck.

Everybody at the Colorago-Trip reunion is praying for your recovery.

get better QLAB (Quick Like a Bunny)

Anonymous said...

Cathi: Cathy and I have been monitoring your progress through the blogs. Our prayers for your recovery are being answered. Keep up the good work. Elmo and Cathy