Saturday, July 26, 2008

Sat, 7.26 - ICU and a Haircut...not quite Hot Dog and a Shake

Sorry for the very poor '80s Dave Lee Roth reference, but ICU and a Haircut had a certain ring to it that reminded me of that song from 20 years ago. You're probably wondering how I could exactly say it like that. Well I guess a great way to describe today is that it's a day we all knew was coming (and not in a negative way at all). Some still handle those days better than others though.

About 4:30 AM this morning the decision was made to take Mom to ICU. She just wasn't getting her blood oxygen levels up high enough to keep her in her normal room. So they opted to take her there and hook her up to a C-PAP (I'm sure I've misspelled and / or butchered the machine name's acronym but so be it). The mask she's wearing is just the same as what she had in the previous room. But the machine ensures she's getting more oxygen than she was, and that's had some great results already.

The room itself is 2 floors higher and she's got a corner 'suite'. She called it the 'Emperor's Taj Mahal.' We did have a laugh about her bed facing away from those windows. I just assured her that's to ensure she's focused on tasks ahead. Overall, readings were pretty decent today:

- Medical: Tough
- Phsyical: Tough
- Mental: Good

Medically her blood counts were acceptable, and Abyankar (returning for the first time since Day 1 but just there today) was satisfied with where she is. She had a fever in the morning then curtailed it in the afternoon / early evening before having ice packs again around 8:30 - 9 this evening. Stuff she eats continues to come up in addition to the lung infiltrates coming up. We're still hopeful the infectious disease doctors walk in with some kind of legitimate answer here shortly so we can move past the current battle.

From a physical perspective they are not having her get out of bed. So she's hooked up to all the appropriate equipment to enable that. It's great to know she truly can focus on her health instead of trying to mosey to the bathroom, etc. That being said, it was a bit funny when I was with her tonight and she looked down at her legs. I could tell she was thinking something so I asked. Her response, 'well they've put these leggings on me and they're doing something...but I don't know what.' I bit my lip and explained those were likely electromagnetic pulses initiating responses from her legs to simulat use / movement. I'm not a doctor, but I couldn't have been too far off and she nodded in agreement at my answer.

Mentally she was in a good place today. Annie commented that she seemed to have more color and overall awareness today than yesterday - likely due to the increased blood oxygen levels. That was definitely true as she told Jered (the day / afternoon nurse) she would like a gin and tonic when he asked if she wanted anything. It got a good chuckle out of him, and he said he was off at 7:30 so they could do it then. She genuinely seemed in good spirits even if you have to continuously remind her to relax.

The biggest news of the day is she got a haircut. She told me when I went up to tell her good night, 'Thanks for buzzing my hair. It was the highlight of my day.' I only wish I could take credit for it. It was primarily a Jered and Annie production. After trying to just buzz the hair with some clippers Mark had brought up, we went back to the drawing board. Jered got scissors to trim it up a bit then the two of them went to town shaving. I've got several pictures attached:
Jered and Annie shaving after the trim.

We left the mohawk in for a new Mic-O-Say look.

All gone!

She does have a white cloth cap on now with a gold butterfly on it meant for accomplishing amazing feats. There are a lot of other doo rags and hats coming (including one customized from a Crate and Barrel fabric) so there'll be plenty of options going forward. We also kept a lock of hair so she can compare it to what grows back.

Alright, that's it for tonight. I'll be leaving tomorrow but continue with the updates.


Rhonda, DJ, Winston and David said...

Dear Cathi, You look marvelous!!!
I love your go ahead and get it done attitude. Most, I am loving that you are sleeping peacefully tonight. Janice is a good bunk mate. (maybe she is there...maybe conor, who is also a good bunkmate)
I look forward to the lovely hat photos as well. The inspiring insect on the hat that Conor mentioned is actually a bee. And it means alot to the Snells and Devores. Granny was "Bea"trice and Mom's sisterinlaw was Beatrice too. (Auntie Bea to all of us.) Mari introduced the bee shortly after Auntie Bea passed away. We all loved those ladies so much. They were significant in all the Snell siblings upbringing and we still miss them. That is why I looked for a remind and inspire Cathi. Prayers on Sunday, AirXO, R

Robbie Stanley said...

Good Morning Cathi,
Thanks for the pics. It is reassuring to see you looking good and it sounds like the icu is the best place for you for the time being, where you can use your energy and oxygen toward getting back out again!

gail said...

You look radiant, Cathi, in the Sinead O'connor fashion statement! Can't wait to see you on the runway with your various acoutrements (my apologies to anyone who can spell anything in French).

Thanks for the explanation, Rhonda; I had no idea about the "bee" connection. Even more fitting is that my mom got to visit with Ron Howard later in her life and they talked a bit about his part as Opie and the Aunt Bee character on Andy Griffith (not to mention that I think my dad looked like Andy Griffith too). Okay -that was a stretch.

I am glad they have moved you to ICU where you will have even more support and looking after.

Your spirit is amazing.

sending much love & hugs, Gail & Ben

Unknown said...

Good morning Cathi
I can see I'm going to have to get back to my own time zone to regain my pole posting position.

Hope you had a better night now you're in ICU. Love the pics!

We had a good Mexican with Conor and Annie last night - it was great to catch up with them both. And to see Walt albeit briefly.

You keep up the good work, stay strong as ever and focus on getting well.

love Janet xo

Anonymous said...

Cathi, what a cool new do. I agree with Gail that it gives you a Sinead look, but quite honestly, you wear it better! It's still quite the rage in Warsaw, where punk is very much still in, although with a 21st century hi-tech bend to it. I'm surprised how much of a party town it is, you'd enjoy it there.

Glad to hear you're in a more restful place now, not having to get up all the time. Can't tell you how many times I've woken up in the middle of the night in a tent, in a downpour, and wished I had one of those things hooked up to me. LOL!

Thinking of you today (from back in VA). - Nancy

Mike said...

Good morning Cathi

John Buck of the Royals shaved his head the other day to "bond" with his pitcher (he's the catcher). This could be the start of a new fashion trend.

Let me know if you want me to bring you some special hat that you think will help you beat me at cards when I come visit you.

Hope to visit you soon.


suzanne said...

Anthony has been asking for that look, says it's too hot for hair. He will be envious when I show him the photo. The kids are playing with the dogs. We have to get Caroline to brush them again this weekend. We went to the Dragon Boat races yesturday at the Plaza. Caroline and Anthony won second prize for the land boat races, with another girl. They have a little trophy. We walked to Winsteads for lunch, they have never been there. Hugs and kisses.