Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wed, 7.30 - 10% More...

It's a good problem to have, but a unique one when Ganguly walks in and says the lungs are '10% better' and Mom's disappointed. The morning X-Rays showed some additional clearing of the lungs after a good night's rest (7 hours total across 3 and 4-hour blocks) that included a relatively stable ice packs required. She also wanted her WBCs to be a little above the 0.3 mark they were at this morning. It's safe to say that even though they have not trended up like we want, to clear the lungs in general is good news.

The real reason she was disappointed is she'd hoped to have some physical therapy today including actually putting her feet on the ground and maybe even walking around a bit. So it was disappointing to learn that. I assured her that good news is not bad, and that's what's important (I mean seriously - beggars can't be choosers!). Luckily she agreed and really 'attacked' the day.

So today she played gin rummy with Janice, watched some HGTV, emailed on her laptop, and texted on her new Blackberry. This was all done while wearing the CPap - the lesser mask set at a lower oxygen setting of 50%. We're hoping that is the beginning of the weening off oxygen although she does wear the BiPap at night and sometimes during naps.

Most people have been reading the blog long enough to remember we gave some treats to the nurses down in the BMT ward right after we got here. Well Rhonda brought in some See's candies today, and it created a pretty funny moment. Ganguly came in this afternoon and we had our usual visit about status, etc. (where he confirmed we will have physical therapy tomorrow!). Mom told him to make sure he stopped at the nurse's station to get some See's candies. I have to say that I did not expect what was next. He's on his way out, giving orders, and stops to ask where the candy is! Seriously! We didn't laugh too loud seeing as how he's the guy driving this ship.

They did finally get her feeding tube fully operational today after a few issues. But she's receiving dairy-free food and the nutrients will be great strength-builders. It didn't happen until shortly before I was kicked out (7 - 8:30 AM and PM are visitor-free) this evening so I asked her if it was ok. Mom had her funny comment, 'hmmm...tasty.' Definitely made me laugh considering she's not tasting a thing.

There's not a lot else to report today other than her temperature stayed pretty damn stable all day. That was a welcomed event we're hoping continues this evening. She did say her personal goal today was to wear herself out...mission accomplished. Let's hope the morning X-Rays and WBC counts show additional improvement!

Good night everyone.


Robbie Stanley said...

It's a Post Position morning for me if I hurry and get this done! I feel like I'm in some kind of daily international competition. :)
Solid news from yesterday, Cathi; hurray for you! All good; keep that candy coming for the support team. The new blackberry seems like a fun toy to keep you occupied when you need a break from the new PT routine. I'm rooting for you today!

christie said...

I have no doubt that the reports will continue the upward trends today. Cathi, the doctors may THINK they are driving the ship but they can't go anywhere without your determination and spunk to propel the ship and you are certainly moving forward. Sure the progress is a little slower than you may like but for those of us on shore you seem to be steaming ahead very well. Sending you lots of happy wishes for a great day full of good happenings and reminding you not to wear out physical nice to them because they will have to have energy for other patients. I know you will probably try to overdo so just take it easy.
Nick and Christie

gail said...

We are on the side-lines rooting for you Cathi! Whatever PT you have today I am sure you will WIN!

We'll keep our fingers crossed for more percentage points improvement today. Has Conor made a graph for the wall to chart each move upward? I'm thinking that line will shoot straight upwards very soon.

Have a lovely day today.

Sending hugs & good karma & cheers!

love, gail & the ben kid

Anonymous said...

Good Morning
Just checking in. Reports are postitive. I think the support staff my have to attend Chocolate rehab when you go home. Tell them to save some for you. Oh, never mind I'll send what ever you want. New Balck berry. How cool. You know me, I can't even figure out my new razor phone. Black berry is not in my future. I'm here for you.

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Kansas,
Another day on the road to recovery, must be great not to have to sleep with ice in your armpits, what a pain. I have a corny joke but know you will laugh anyway, that is what we all love about you, your sense of humor.
Knock Knock!
Who's there?
Adair who?
Adair once but I'm bald now!

Are you laughing!!! You should be this is high class material. Sorry I couldn't resist. Thanks goodness Janet is out of town I finally beat her posting a comment. Emma is now in Spain, I kind of feel like Emma is in the Where is Elmo story. Well you get busy and get well and I have to get to work.

Love Ya
3RD Girl on Tour

Anonymous said...


I have been reading your Blog for past 30 minutes. I just met with your parents.

Cathi, you are in my Prayers and thoughts. I will be checking your Blog daily.


Unknown said...

Hello Cathi
Great news on the blog - I'm so pleased 'the lungs' are moving in the right direction, and I'm positive 'the WBCs' will do the same thing very soon. Keep at it Captain Cathi! Seems I should leave my laptop behind more often, good things happen when I'm not online :)

So, an update on The Doctor and Captain Picard! The production was superb, the Royal Shakespeare Company really are world class. Patrick Stewart didn't disappoint (Gail, I saw his 1-man Christmas Carol in London - fantastic) but the star on this occasion was David Tennant. He delivered Hamlet's often quoted lines in a fresh way, which must be difficult.

And after the performance, in my Fairy Godmother role, I waved my magic wand at the stage door and David T came out and signed Amy's programme!! She's over the moon. Unfortunately Patrick Stewart didn't appear, but for a 21-year old it was all about the Doctor!

So I'm waving my magic wand again (Cathi - do you remember when we saw Wicked in London?) to wipe your lungs clean and fresh, and multiply those WBCs in ever increasing waves.

And Conor, thanks so much for keeping up the blog.

love Janet xo

Anonymous said...

Ok, maybe some of these blog watchers have never heard of See's candy. Being that my Mom was born and raised in California my family know See's candies - intimately. I was able to bring some to Connecticut in May from the airport in Detroit. We rationed them! I have actually thought of taking a trip to the airport to get some even though I know I can just log on, click, pay and have it delivered. We had a kiosk at our mall here in Toledo at Christmas time, but I was unable to make it to the mall. Let me just say, the staff at the hospital are pretty lucky!

Let's go WBC, lets go! (clap, clap, clap)
Kick the crap out of the PNE, lets go! (clap, clap, clap).

I did initially get some weird looks from my kids when I insisted we do the chant, until I explained why. We are still doing it!

Love from your Toledo cousin!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning,
Another hot day in Houston. Greg and David were up early to go fishing in the gulf. Two separate outings, not together, so the fish stories could be great. But they really had to leave early, 3:30 am. I'm not going to worth a darn today. I'll let you know about the fishing. I always love the duck hunting trips, I'd get a text message mid morning, " Breakfast was great". We could be eating fish for days or not.
Keep up the good work. Every day is new.